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Show jlmmie jingle Says: For a Merry Christmas cheer, Get your Yuletlde pastries here. Golden Crust Bread TUCKETT BAKERY Veterans the deadline for reinstating re-instating G. I. Insurance without liking a physical examination If midnight, December 31, 1847? Sec yovr local VA office. Next Tim USE THB CLASSIFIED ADS TALLYHO! ! Du to a inortacj of reindver this ason wo sond you our Christina Grooangs In this conrwiUonal way! ,' In this stetson of gUt-glvlng may wo scry that your friendship Is our choicest gift and wo approdato It beyond words to express. May your Christmas be a merry one, mdeedl Rico's Machine Works Cedar City, Utah H.O.RICE R. 0. (Dick) RICE WART, THE SPEED COP BY WALDO SWENSON f tYt citcm tmi wioo tmk rt .(iTiU f r voub &utio mv ) WHV-voo root- 1 (TIM tkUP MAKI.HI4 MUH -( VVT rt'r iK MCTTOO MVOND RtWkia) . TMJLAKt OHLV Crf-VA, vv-kJwoljC wct ; now ivi or to kaui L . rf-'-AWSm MmL moto"co- THORLBY MOTOR CO 18 South Main Cedar City Utah Phone 78 If It's a Beneficial Policy Its the Best Insurance yoa can bay. Homer Englestead Special Agent WANT FUN FOR CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS Then get your Serpentine and Confetti at the CEDAR DRUG CO. Corner Lunt Hotel CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS j MUMnk-iJjHMlJbiiii) m0 .a "mil - tfi -w--,-f i'ifrtii, hvm: 1 - -' t !) ...v.tr-lr .yr ff ,.v r M1. m ' jjswni'il i IfflCiESCefOWHfflYIffiRS V I . CT PiilolGrip -'Vvv f ftS li""" ner Control Ys-Qi C( rl Perfection r xV- If ?9N;. :; ISfwU 15.95 ."rm 10.95 If , ofo' mi 360 , Matraatlc Iron v I :iO:lL 1 p,"'r'p 5.05 !' - ' You can turn it any way you x, , , , r - - I C wish and control the direction Por tireless Ironing. ' I Y- from inside the car. Spot Weighs only 2H lbs. Has eom- l ' fit ' house number" on itnr to fortable "Telephone Grip." LlU: ,wJjSLJ of the "treet A hftndy Uht Fingertip control safeguards. Holler Skates , ln M ond, 1 ) 3.95 up I VIJ ) J Constructed of sturdy steel, f AA tyST i J I Wheels equipped with dust 4&Jm tP lT "fnr x A , caps. Skate key included. f i i i 'L- 1 J I "FMhtrw.;gliM SkUl S.U f ) ' P C wSonthWlnd" ) L rs07l??SI AJT I This widely-known tried MJb$fMf.Wef and proven heater has I , Lzzs I earned highest laurels for )' For Junior Storekeepers f rW 4. quick, powerful and effl- 1 I . . . . dent heat dispensing. ), lOSll IlCfilSICr ( Aiwrrdyof Throws out more heat J ( m Mxm y faster and farther than j V , 4tU K Widp(iV usual cooling system con- I Pi.u- a ii m ? fooUfliih trolled heatem. Lone 1 ff?i..JlJ?,jd? oP,1,lc? 0 V warm-ups an eliminated. S i standard model. Bell ringa: c ' I when drawer pops out . AUAA-A A - '- J Fo Bockrart Cowboyt V 1.CO Shooflynokc;: Play. BooK I RoeaUns; type. Nickel finish CJ.4J I.IO jnu Wory handler . or".rd 'fiffe '" K5":::::; &te:Buhtw0to &lisoli Other. fH prevent tipping. Soaflffi" OPEN UNTIL 9:00 FOR SHOPPERS CONVENIENCE WE WILL CLOSE AT 6 00 CHRISTMAS EVE G IVAN'S 140 NORTH MAIN PHONE 330 (M(3lia! ( b- CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS S5rSSsr V " A mi A mil liiilfTHiiliiiilfTiiiilliinifS i-i iiiuiAiBiiAnjini) i1 1 - -a;- .- .:.::i,,;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;v.v::;; ;;; niroEST party EDAR CITY WANDER OF COnrJiERCE MAlfPVmn Mil mm mi BAIL 7:30 p. m. MGVJ VGAR'S EVE , EL ESCALANTE HOTGL Q2.50 ploto |