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Show DISABLED VETERANS! If You're Experiencing Difficulty Obtaining Civilian Work . . . REMEMBER! The Regular Army May Have Just the Opening For You! There are over 100 different classifications clas-sifications open for enlistment to combat disabled veterans of World War 11 in the Army. Only 23 of these classification requires previ ous qualified experience. This opportunity op-portunity for enlistment is particularly partic-ularly attractive if you have an MOS grade in any of these 23 classifications. clas-sifications. Here's a good, sound, financially attractive way to step up your earnings. Tlie Regular Army needs straight thinking combat disabled veterans who possess, or are trainable in, crrtaln critically needed skills and who meet other eligibility requirements. require-ments. Investigate at your nearest Army Recruiting Station immedl-fel7 immedl-fel7 as these enlistments are rap-1 rap-1 'ly being filled. e-k in t-.lk it over! 9 North Main Street Cedar City, Utah i . ' -a Benificial Policy Ifl R"st Insurance you can bay Homer Englestead i Special Agent j & f STUFF of DREAMS p It's so easy to make ? i Mi everyone happy with I: jjjj a gift from Mullett's S.j for our entire store $ Q Is stocked with the W stuff from which ' H dreams are made. Q: Stop In today and w see our display of ' o jewelry learn how I simple It is to make j'' Q ; your dreams come ', ' Q ; true. p. a MULLETT I M JEWELRY I rQ Cedar City, Utah. c) Clfol iiislGs a room Yes, $2.98! That's all h costs for "brand new," betu- I Y Vnf-f r tiful walls when you paint with Kem-Tona Miracle f ""diirVI : Wall Finish. What's more, youll get as fine finish ViOs- 'v '"t'vN as you can buy because quality Kem-Tone is a new p -TV" i and different resin-oil paint-rich, handsome, durablel )AZr, I LFOR FINEST DECOMTIONI 4. INTENSE RIOINCI QLTj L I 2. GOES ON LIKE MACIC! E, DUES W ONI Mill I N5fc tyt fo I 3. ONE COAT COVEIS most NO "PAINTY" 0D0II K' . wallpapers, painted watU and 7. CLEANS EASILY! ft Zsj .nfi ceilings, watlboardi; I. LOVELY NJJJf COLOSSI Nslr Q 10 0 KEM-TONE ROUER-IOXTER T1 IH TQIE TRIMS k? ! C Quick. t..y w.y to sp. & 8mrl w.U VSfl W CAL I fa::: w Wi."'. VrrH Cedar Lumber & Hardware Company I aid (jgi5 J&tz mmimmmM . 4 CLASSIFIED ATHERLEY BROTHERS COAL MINE, ALTON. UTAH Coal will be available at the mine 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. except Sunday. Mine run, lump coal $4 25 per ton, slack at $3.50 per ton, oil treated slack at $3.10 per ton. Adv. 0-3 tf. , IRRIGATED FARM FOR SALE 40 acres of choice land, machinery and Improvements with 20 shares of primary water and 15 shares of fourth class water. This water right is fully adequate for raising any crops desired in this climate. En tire farm under fence. Located 5 miles north of Cedar City. For further fur-ther Information and terms contact con-tact Mrs. Merrill Esplin, agent foi owners at 238 No. 2 West. Phone 684 J Cedar City. Adv. Jan. 2 and Jan. 16. REPAIR YOUR OWN MAYTAO. You may want to repair your own Maytag with genuine parts which we will be glad to sell you over the counter, at prewar prices. We also will be glad to give you free advice or, if you wish, do the repair work in our own shop. Leigh Furniture Company. Authorized Maytag Dealer. Deal-er. Adv. J.-2 WANTED AMBITIOUS SINGLE YOUNO MAN, with high school education, to work in parts department. Oood chance for advancement. Write or call- J. K. WHEELER MACHINERY MACHIN-ERY CO.. 171 West South Temple Street. Salt Lake City 1, Utah. Phone 5-9396. Adv. J-2. Vending Machines New and used machines, routes, supplies, Parts, Accessories, Merchandise 140 West Second South Salt Lake City, Utah I Worried (r: About the V y Soap Shortage? r ..'O Vi; r MINERAL WATER SOFTENER pr-i SAVES 50 to 75 - In Soap and Soap Powders Enjoy rain-soft water for all purposes for a penny a day. Mt. Shasta takes small space, installs anywhere, pays for itself in savings, and convenience. Immediate - K deliveryl NO DOWN c 35 PAYMENT 5) Per Mo. GRIMSHAW ln APPLIANCE CO. ASK AIOUT OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER WAUT, THE SPEED COP BY WALDO SWENSON Slow oow -.-mvrmi'trl Imvtrrp I- Wvy Y?r V zStiB ryM ! ' motor co. j-- ; Ct Uf THORLEY MOTOR CO 18 South Main, Cedar City Utah, Phone 78 DUPLER'S POLICY IS STILL THE SillTlE! PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED ID KEEPIDG WITH THE PRICES OF TODm I ymnm pros Jfe tSBVE-MandOllllOBE! Yf f 1 Mr. Robert Bercu - Dupler's Fur Stylist J l will be in our store f WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 : K January 8-9 X I Now . . . Americo'i Lowtst Fur Pricw! . . . All i l : Nv ( Dupltr furs guoronttfd for quality. Nowhtrt U . can you motch such marvelous voluet! ... Only vv crk I Dupler's vost buying resources moke these tav- V ings possible. Buy furs featured nationally In XX j Vogue and Harper's Baxaar! Tike Your Choice of Gorgeous 1947 Fur Styles SALE PRICED NOW J I II I I 'j ii months yy-iff : . Federal Tax Included I " f ,! I y I no j MODERNE STYLE SHOPPE |