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Show Associated Civic Clubs Of Southern Utah Changes Name The name of the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah was changed chang-ed to Associated Civic Clubs of Southern and Eastern Utah, at the meeting of the organization held in Nephl Saturday. Early In 1946 the association admitted Wasatch. Uln-lah Uln-lah and Duchesne counties to give, that area recognition and to enlarge en-large ttie effectiveness of the or? ionization, and the name, .was .hanged to more definitely define .he organization. . Representatives of the 18 counties coun-ties of the association went on record rec-ord at the meeting as favoring an snactment of legislation which will permit the state of Utah to create i reclamation division. Such a division would be patterned pattern-ed after the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Recla-mation, the decision was reached during the final' meeting here of tiie 1948 convention, Associated Civic Ci-vic Clubs of Southern Utah. J. Walter Paxman, Nephl farmer, farm-er, was reelected to head the civic clubs as the association's directors voted to change the name from the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern South-ern Utah to the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern and - Eastern Utah. At the afternoon business meeting meet-ing of the organization held In tire Juab oounty courthouse, reports re-ports on the group's water and road programs were given by T. W. Jensen, Jen-sen, Mt. Pleasant, executive secretary. sec-retary. - Mr, Jensen reviewed the preliminary prelim-inary work which the association's officials had done In the water development during the past several sev-eral years and pointed out that club officials in cooperation with William R. Wallace, Utah Water User's Assn. official, had been Instrumental In-strumental In the formation of the upper basin compact committee for the Colorado river. At the present pre-sent time the oommlttee Is working on the compact for presentation 'o the various state legislatures affected af-fected during the coming two months. Darrel Welling, secretary, Utah Highway Advisory council, reported report-ed briefly on association activities. He said the main cause of the council's existence was to see that all moneys intended for highway are used for that purpose. |