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Show The Prize-Winning r.rnrliPtfil TClinnpr Pattern No. 5308 THIS exquisite crocheted run-A run-A ner was made in Louisville, Kentucky, and won the prize in a nation-wide crochet contest. It's JO by 9 inches and can be used as i dining table runner, buffet run-ler run-ler or on a bedroom dresser. To obtain complete crocheting Instructions Instruc-tions for the Prize Winning Runner (Pat-xrn (Pat-xrn No. 5.W send 20 cents In coin, your tame, address and the pattern number. SEWING CIRCLE NEEM.EWORK S30 South WeUi St. Chicago 1, III. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No . ' Name ' Addreit This Home-Mixed Cough Relief Is Truly Surprising So Easy. No Cooking. Big Saving. You may not know it. but. In your own kitchen, you can easily prepare a really surprising relief for coughs due to colds. It's old-fawhloned your mother prolmbly used It but for real results, it's hard to beat. First, make a syrup by stirring I cups granuluted sutoir and one cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. dis-solved. No cooking needed. It's no trouble. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey, Instead of suror syrup. Then got 2V4 ounces of I'lnox from any drugKlat. This Is a special com-Kund com-Kund of proven lntrrMlents. In concentrated con-centrated form, well known for quick action in throat and bronchial Irritations. lMt the Tines Into a pint bottle, and nil up with your syrup. Thus you make a full pint of splendid couith syrup, and you pet about four times aa much for your money. It never spoils. Children love Its pleasant taste. And for quick relief. It's a wonder, ft loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irritated Irri-tated membranes, easea the soreness, makes breathing easy, and lets you uet restful sleep. Just try It. and If not leased, your money will be refunded. Il'if lit) W-Trl hr fitmerrip when others slip ask for SOUS JJL cs well as Heels by Jkf O'Sullivan I |