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Show Ladies Let Us Slip You A Tip J There's many a SLIP needed for warm weather Q months, and you can find a complete assortment of X styles, sizes and colors at Moderne Style Shoppe. U STYLECRAFT K r E II i TAILORED f (JM h U Guaranteed for 1 year. A fVl P I1 French Crepe and h M,' II Jeweltone W- JU II $1.19 o $1.29 p (fl) S FORMAL f Fp I LENGTH SLIPS W VN $1.98 $2.25 m j WONDER MAID UJ I MARTHA MAID Ifef 11 1 Satin or crepe, tailored M tJ f 1 V I or beautifully lace trim- R 'M I LA ' med. 2 to 8 gores. I Priced from f SS&tlS $2.25 ,o $3.98 Jj Jj We have Slips for short, medium or tall ... 11 to 17 1 or 32 to 52. Also MATERNITY SLIPS. 1 SUPPLY" YOUR SLIP NEEDS AT I Moderne Style Shoppe I Announcement l Heginning This Week TIIK WHITE BAKERY Will be Closed Each Sunday. Labor and Material Shortage Make This Action Necessary Get Your Money's Worth j f Friday & Saturday I It's easy to get the most for your money, and stamps j I when you buy foods that give the most in nutritive 1 H value. Each food item wo offer is packed with health I ! giving vitamins. 1 Cftrn Maize Nibleta on vUlTl 8 points per can 2 cans uOC P c Spring Garden qJ 3 CaS 16 points per can 2 cans )jC 1 ! ?iicir Sunmaid Seedless or seeded lO I IialSinS No points Pkg IOC I j Tomato Sauce 8S ,thL-can 6c I SnrfJinnc Booths Tomato or Mustard H dllllliGS Sauce, 7 points ('an lt)C I Tuna White Star 1 j 1 UUd Medium can, 3 points O&C 1 1 SpSitPeas 4 pojnts per lb 15c I j Grapefruit Juice 46 oz. 9 points 27c Beans 8 points 2 lb. bag 18c I Tomato Juice M .Can, n 6c ; Corn Flakes Keiioggv,, no points,-2 pkg 17c Wheaiies 23c 1 Peanut Butter No points-Quart 47c I 5 il l lift Popular Brands 4 cans ... 39c I Large A Grade Doz 37c 1 C6ffee Chase & Sanborn, 26 stamps lb. 32c 8 jj Rke 2 1b. cello bag 21 c B I I Meats of Quality j Pork Chops 8 points per lb. ... 37c Stewing Hens No pomta-ib 32c 6 T Bone Steaks 8 points per lb. . 39c 0 B Pot Roast 6 points per lb. ... 28c I FOOFOnES :; "A Surety of Purity" THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "Judge, there' been quite a bil of talk ping a bill of Roods. Wouldn't surprise mc a bit around about prohibiting liqu if in wu ious if what they're really aiming (or is to take spots around the country . . . arout.J tho in the whole country again. Wc ell know it . Army camps for one tiling Y.lut do you didn't work the last time. All wc got was nuke ofil?" bootltl liquor instead of legal liquor... plus "Well, Henry, I sue it up al out like this. racketeers, gangsters and the worst crime It looks to me like the folks w ho arc doing wave the country ever saw. the talking are shooting a little bit higher "Seems to me we've all cot our hands full than most jieople seem to re; lux-. Sot t of to win this war without starting up an argu- . like the sak?nian who gct3 his foot in the mcnt wc just got through settling a few door and before you know it he's bold you years back." Ctiijt'inct tj A .'i vAvu r '!, nsti if i, Inc. |