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Show I tm - u f - -, . x . i i ,- City and Ljpcal Happenings The library entertainment has been postponed until Sunday evening, the 13th. The little son of Marion Millet, Mil-let, after undergoing a second . operation within a period of ten days is getting along splen-. splen-. didly, with every prospect of complete recovery. California fresh fruits, best ever, at the Royal Bakery. No paste, no flour, just pure, sweet cream, flavored and frozen only as we do it. Snowflake Ice Cream, the Royal Bakery. Negotiations are pending for the erection of a building to be occupied in part at least by the - ' Iron County Telephone Co. Mrs. Lottie Perkins is in Newcastle New-castle visiting with relatives and friends, to which place she went the flatter part of last week. The regular term of the District Dis-trict Court which was to have convened at Parowan April 9th, hasv been continued until the 15th. Judge W. F. Knox of Beaver was in town Saturday on legal business and while here found time to call in and pay his respects re-spects to "ye editor." ' There is a message for farmers in today's paper. You will find it 'in the announcement of the Consolidated' Wagon & Machine ' Go.', on another page. Af tena hard day's work or a JateAflit out , a dish of Snow-flalTeSk Snow-flalTeSk Creari will make you rest hatefully, All the best soft dririks. The Roval Bakery. Peter ' B. Fife. Miss Belle Armstrong, Mrs. Graff and son ofKanarra, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark, were among those leaving yesterday for Salt Lake. Dr. F. L. Gower of Parowan .' was in Cedar Monday and Tues day on business, leaving Tuesday, Tues-day, afteroon for Salt Lake City, where he will spend several days. Manager W. E. Corry of the local house of the Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co., made a trip to Parowan the first of the week on business connected with his firm. H. E. Peterson went to Salt Lake City Thursday for the pur- pose of having his eye, which was injured several weeks since while hnuting, given further medical attention. Earl James, a young man of Denver, accompanied Mrs. A. B. Utley on her trip to this city. He is a friend of the Utley's and will locate here if able to secure a position. George Hanks went to Salt Lake Thursday to represent the Branch Normal in the public ' speaking contest to be participated partici-pated in by the best high school speakers in the state. John Hallman, one of the city's most popular and reliable young men, will leave next Wednesday Wed-nesday to labor in the mission field. Ho will be assigned to J labor in the Swedish mission. Dr. G. F. Whitehead, veterin- ary surgeon of St. George, was " in town Monday on business. . '' He was enthusiastic rearding the work being done by the state covicts on the roads in Washington county. From here ho went to Parowan and across to Lund, being called to those ' places on professional business. The Record acknowledges a substantial sub-stantial visit from the doctor. I Saturday nijhttKe oast Ward Sunday School will give an entertainment in the tabernacle. Remember, the proceeds will be used to make improvements to the tabernacle that are badly needed. There are many kinds of Dears, every girl knows that, but we know, you know, and the farmer knows that there is only one Deer Line of goods. We have got it. Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. Mayor Lowder of Praowan was in the city Wednesday on his way home from Lund, to which point he took a load of passengers in his auto, who were bound for Salt Lake to attend conference. Mrs. C. G. Bell departed for Salt Lake Monday where she will spend some fifteen days attending at-tending conference and in selecting select-ing the furnishings for the new Cedars Hotel which will be ready for occupancy within the next sixty days. Miss Florian Watson has accepted ac-cepted a position in the office of Dr. R. A. Thorley, Dr. Thorley is always alert to provide for the comfort of his many patients, and the presence ot Miss Florian Flor-ian will no doubt be an addition that will bo appreciated by the public. See for yourself, by trying it. Snowflake Ice Cream is different from other makes It's better. At the Royal Bakery. Among those who left yesterday yester-day for Salt Lake to attend conference con-ference and look after business matters were: Miss Ina Leigh, Mi', and Mrs. F. B. Wood, M. D. Higbee, J. G. Pace, Isaac Higbee, Bishop and Mrs. A. G. Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Corry and George Millet. D. W. Gibson recently arrived in Cedar City from Nashville, Tenn., and will locate here permanently per-manently if conditions' appear favorable. He' will give attention atten-tion to farming and stock raising. rais-ing. It is to be hoped he will be impressed with the,opportuni ties of this section and become a permanent resident. Take h&me a loaf of our table bread. Always on hand. The Royal Bakery. Beginning tomorrow (Saturday) (Sat-urday) the Salt Lake Route will put on a new train, to be called "The Pacific Limited." It will leave Salt Lake at 8:45 in the morning and arrive at Lund at 4:09 in the afternoon. Going north it will leave Lund at 4:31 A. M., arriving at Salt Lake at 11:45 A. M. The Overland Express will leave Lund for Salt Lake at 7:49 P.M., and retur-ing retur-ing will arrive at Lund at 9:38 A. M. This will give much better bet-ter train service :or the people of this part of the state. Frank K. Smith, representative representa-tive of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., of Salt Lake City, has been in town several days this week assisting H. E. Peterson in arranging for the installation of several irrigation plants for various persons in the valley. .. .,., - . .i ' ' " ff. E. Petowon and family, h&S trimV &t jthe reft &mc4 jot wtiit, porry, theij former rooms Hting occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. B.f Utley. R. H. Fleming of Los Angeles was in Cedar City recently looking look-ing over the possibilities of dry farming in this section. He decided de-cided that the land in the neck of the desert wn some of the best Ian d he had seen, and made his location there. He intends to fence and plow his entire claim. The city can not count much on the assistance $ those of its citizens who ae'j going" to do something. It has a great many who are now "doing" something and a great manyjmore who are ready to do something as soon as their business affairs will permit. per-mit. Miss Pearl Une departed for Provo last Saturday to which place she goes tofaccept a position posi-tion in the businps office of the state mental hosfital. She will also continue ur studies in music, giving s kjial attention ' to voice culture, isder the direc- : tion of Prof. L rid. Miss Urie j 1s one of the city a most talented : singers and she iall be greatly ; missed by the niisic lovers of the city. Howe sr, every one ; will join in wisr ng her success ; in her new locati n. In conversatior with a repre- : sentative of The Jtecord last Sat- ; urday, Warden Althur Pratt pf the state penkntiary stated ; that the convictAoaa gang had cpmpleted the rate road over the famous "sfod" belt in Washington coun and that it js one of the best reces of road anywhere in thestate. The road was covered-jriih a mixture of gumbo anl decomposed granite, which wifhauled from : distant points anoT aced on the ; sand to a dep, 'of several inches. The mixLe was then j rolled and he rilt is a road i bed almost as sol P, as asphalt. Mr. Pratt stated tLfc a few days ! since an auto wasjile to make thirty miles an hlr over roads J that were impassi for an auto until the last fewfreeks. This J improvement will hla great con- ' venience to the peajle of Wash- : ington county and V incomput- able benefit to the 'ople of this ! section. ; a |