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Show WANTS STATE TO I SINK WELL ' Commercial Club Will Ask State H to Sink State Well Near thU 'M City to a Detph of i.ooo Feet H BiSiSifl At a spcial meeling of the H commercial club held Wednes- H day night a resolution was pass- H ed asking the State Board of H Land Commissioners to sink th - H present state well west of this H city to a farther depth of 400 1 feet. The well is now 600 feet 1 and it is thought that by con- 1 tinuing a few hundred feet ' H farther a flow of artesian, water . H may be struck that will make ' flj possible the irrigation of several : H hundred acres of land in the 'j H valley. ' H W. H. Leigh, vice-president j M of the club was appointed to Ji M present the matter to the state 1 el land board and will leave in a J $ M few days for that purpose, ss M It was decided to aok the sup-, s port of the various commercial 4 :M clubs in thisvpart of the state in 1 an effort to secure the next t : meeting of the Utah Develop- i'r'H ment League for Cedar OityV. 1 M The Beaver commercial club has. ril already prof erred their assis- " '- I "H 1 tance.to this city, and it js :;..;. - ':H 5 believed'that other citise.will --f- miVf- H April 13th! 'ISSiSL t ' fl ) will be invited. A program wjlfy, fcrvB ' be prepared and speakers will ,. y,. M show the necessity for the peo- 'M ' pie generally lending all possible ! 'kM assistance to the club. 'j ;H |