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Show MAKE THE HOSPITAL SUFFICIENT THE Southern portion of Utah in general and Iron county in particular, is growing rapidly now, and from all indications will develop much more j rapidly during the next few years. Therefore in the matter of public buildings and public enterprises it is a short-sighted policy which does not take into con-! con-! sideration future growth. With the almost positive i assurance of the construction of a railroad the present pres-ent season, this growth and development will take on a new impetus, and this should be taken into consideration con-sideration in all plans for the future. Thus, in laying the plans for the new county hospital hos-pital to be erected shortly at this place, it should be made ample to meet the requirements for at least five years to come. The amount asked for in the petition circulated and presented to the County Commissioners Com-missioners is only $25,000, and in order to obtain a building that will take care of even the present needs of the county, it will be necessary to augment this amount considerably by private subscriptions or endowments. The state law fixes 2 mills at the marimum amount which can be levied annually for twenty years for the erection and maintenance of a hospital in any county of he sate. Provision is, however, made for i the issuance of bonds ti take care of the cost of con-struction. con-struction. One section of the law is just a little ob-! ob-! scure, and some have held that bonds could be issued is-sued for only 2 per cent of the assessed valuation of the county in the year in which the tax is levied. This is a mistake, as is shown by an opinion just given by the Attorney General of the State, and which we 1 publish elsewhere in this issue of The Record. Possibly it is not practicable, without a considerable consider-able delay, to bond for more than the $25,000 asked for in the citizens' petition, but certainly this ought not to be reduced any. In his ruling on the question us to what amount may be bonded for the State Attorney calls atten-' atten-' tion to the fact that it would be useless to issue bonds if only for the amount that may be levied by direct taxation during one year. The bond election should bo called for as early a date as possible. |