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Show SUMMIT w 5 Summit, Utah, Jan. 22. 1920. The membes of the Farm Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Moroni Dalley Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalley are receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the arrival of I bouncing baby boy at their home Jan. '.. Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth of Twin Falls, Idaho have just returned to their home after a week's visit with Mrs. Farnsworth's sister, Mrs. Lettie B. Dalley. President Henry W. Lunt and Clerk .Frank B. Wood of the new Stake Presidency visited the Summit ward last Sunday. Their instructions at the Sacrament Meeting were greatly great-ly appreciated and enjoyed by all present. Graham McAlfyster, Clarence Smith, Alex and Leonidas" Dnlley are all contemplating leaving for Delta by team right away to begin work on the farms they have recently bought. Wm. H. Dalley has been disposing of some of his farm inplements preparatory prep-aratory to moving to Delta. Wallace Hulet of Parowan and his brother Clair of New Castle were in town Tuesday visiting with relatives and friends. e John Farrow and B. R. Lawrence have thinned out the rabbits considerably consider-ably in this vicinity. Several hundred hun-dred have been killed to fill orders in Los Angeles. |