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Show H PERSONAL. H h, C. Knight of Salt Lake City waa H the guest of honor at a card party B , last week, given by Mr. and Mrs. B Warren Cox. H ' Mr. and Mrs. Barnhurst of Hatch M town arrived in Cedar Sunday, having B come to attend tho funeral of Mrs. H Bamhurst's Bister, Mrs. Henry Froyd. ' . Get rendy to nttend tho Farmers' B ' Roundup that will convene next Mon- 1 , dy at the 13. A. C, arid continue for H; ono week. B A'splendid corps of instructors have B' - been secured for thy Iloundup cxt B week. It will pay every farmer to at- B) (end the SQssioBsi Hl , - A splendid program ims been nr- Hl mnged for tho Housolcceitcrs' con- H f crcn'cor thnt will convenes next Mon- B dnyvnt' Uiu II. A 0. livery housewife B in tlie county should lie in attendnncci B - Fridny evening Mr nnd Mrs. It. V. B ' Sjicrrntt entertained ' nt a chicken B, roast and card party- Thirty guests B were present nnd nil enjoyed the 6ven-, ' - B - ' Mr. nnd Mrs.' .Tosio Wilkinson at B . Short. Creek, Arizona, arrived JicnT B Sunlny evening, having. come to nt' ' . tend tho funeral services of Mrs. Bi Sudio'BuckwnHcr, sister of Mr, 1 WilJd'nKon. H , Mnnjf Mrs. C.S. Wilkinson ( of B. ,. Santhquln yv'or.?' ill Codar ..MoticfuyjujU B Tuesday, having come to attend tho K unernl,of, Mr. Willcinsbri's sister,' Mrs.' Hj' SjfdfoBhckvnltcr. jjKjC nKMcrrywcnlhor were nyarded BK Jrat''0'1l"net or tnc phimbinp of tho H.' jfill'Jllpr.villo school building recently, B; rfJ' will commence work just as soon Br' ft'Sta material can bo got. Mr. Cox Hp .'.ollinht hoJbelioves work will com-B',V com-B',V ji'!'. ''Hlnc wfthin, three weeks. H- ' J. R.i.Ricknrds reports thnt ho has Hl Hocurcd the. contract for driving 200 Hj feet of tunneling in tho Copper Hi 7,one mine in Chloride canyon. He ex- H! peds to send a crew of workmen out H; .there within a few days. H ' Moesnr Dalley has returned to H Cedar 'from northern Utah whore ho B t ' .npqnt, the past, year in real cstato H 'il. fAvork. Mr Dalley states that ho now H '' intends to remain in Cedar, claiming H, -thnt this city is as good as any in tho iitnto, nnd better than many of them. H - -DnvldVSnsdin, win of Mrs. Lara B SnndirjuM this city, nnd ,now iocnt- H. - cd allgagstnff, Aizonn, arrived in B Cedar Sunday, having coma to nttend H tho fufcrnl of his sister, Mrs. Hannah H Froyd. Mr. Sandin lect for Flngstaff h weuncBuiiy, B Tuclay evenng three loads of H young folks bent on nnving n ' time. H struck out for tho ico near Quitichi. H pnh, loaded down vith good things to H cnt-chickcn, rake coffee, etc , each H With n pair of Hk,:tutt. where Ihoy H -held sway until the "vvtij sma hours," H feasting and skatbig. They report H having 'hn'rftre tima of thcic liven H Saturday evening nt the homo of Mr. H nnd Mrs. Ed. Houchcn a number of H friends wore entertained. Tho evening H " waB spent in plnying games, enjoying H ' good music, and chntting. .Jtefre.s- B ments were served nt a seasonable H hour and tho guests departed feeling B J inc'ouraged and cheered, B ' -Mr, Thomas Thnrlcy of this city H has1 decided that some of tho 9,211,2- !ir automobiles in America need his P ,,persoiud attention so lie has gone to HS he National Aunomotivo School in H Los Angeles, Clifomia where ho is B '"to', take up nn extensive course of B training n Automobile Mechanics and " Ignition. II9 expects to return homo H within 'throe of four months n full H fledged mechanic.. P L. J. Adams of 1'arovvnti called in' H tho, Record officovTucsday for a short B chut with the edilor, while'on his vny B - honm from St. George whore ho had B ' been rofereeing a game of b'asket K " ball behvuen the Dixie boys and the H JMurdogk boys. 31 r. Adams stated that H tho St. Gcbrgc team were victor- B ious,' defeating the Murdock tonm i,n B n hard fouglit battle by a small mar- B .iln of four points. H ' 1 Thursday evening of jast week a H I large' crowd of friends of Mr. and B J Mrft. 0. P. Fretwell met nt their homo C nnd tendered them a surprise party. Bf? Old time music was the main nttrac- Bj tios of the evening and was very much F ' cpjoyed by nil prpscnt. Among the H guests were several excellent music- H infis who delighted in rendering the Hj old timo pieces for tho enjoyment of B thoso present. Those who performed j -wcro E. D. Dalley, violinist, 0. V. H Fretwell, banjoist, Reuben Walker B on tho accordion, and Arthur Fi etwc-11 B on tho piano. In addition to the music B tho.gueits indulged in dacing, singing, H chntting and partaking of an creel- flj jiont lap luscheon, BR BWBHmWi.? 1 . - . ' v' 1 - |