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Show ,' ' I IMI illM'W Lucky, Accident. ! Miit-VR, the I it I lo dmiphWr of M . 1 and Mta. Hut Corry, bud htm; nnr row tcape lift HHtnrdy," nnd hI tbou(b tbe i celdii t proved to bo 'o b eriuut tbun bl Dent thoniht, I ho lit. tlo plrl euffeted oonttdrrablu pain from h gHt.li hi hr Ikch aud bruit s Hbout ter body. While com lot up Mnlu street witb her fhtber nnd mother In n l'U:p; Mnrva who Bitting In ft mi t of the Ht when thb buggy struck n rock and pitched tbe child nvT the duehbeard. both wheels piwrod over her body and Inllloteii tbo wuuuda montloued. Tl llttlo lrl Ib KotLliiK altnu: nicely and will booh bo untie the worse for htr oxnerlence. |