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Show B Evening Reveries. H Pnilosopher'and poet arq alike In B ' ,tla vi.rdlot that the safety and per- B ,-tpotitiy of any nation Ilea In tho H ' hon of Ita poople. ---! 3, '' ' tup ye W,"K011 wlnda that H aro ) oy pathway roar, do ye not -- ( HOme ujel epot whore wivea Blt-Mai " j . HEl 0,,t ''OHB no More. a--------------------irrfl-'i-Jl-?f-i - SMaaftJsatflOM! li-!aB-M-M-B-M-MBa----WI ll-l'' i!miM4ti&&W&if9t9B1yfy " r, hi'"Tnurrtunnylo TnKmniirnHdl M or alio QHii kIvo (trcitt plonanro by H bol' 11 .fltiKblrd In tho home neat, H '1 i rul liuslneHH of life la tho H tui)l K of u happy homo, When ynu B 0011 to alft tho wlioln obnlT ot oxU. H tenon, flvorythlnK ROoh to tho wind H but hu hiipplncaa wo huve had at H home. H A wonittn who fullu in her homo H fklU to nil. Umnt la woman' realm, H kS'o" loto hnr IihikIh to roKulate, Ror H ern itnd benvitlfy. If mIio falla hero H he may look In vuln for nnotlier H kingdom for bIio hit fulled In tho H tonly pol where alio oould huro ultl H vantoly tuooceded. H Muny of ua mU the joya thnt H mluht bu oura by kooplim our eyea H llxed ou ttmao ot other ponplo. No H one ohi) enjoy Ida own opjortunltles H for happlneau while he la nvloua of H atnother'a. Wo Ioiq n (reat deal of H the joy ot llvlnu by not oheertully H ikOoeptluR tho amAll plenaurea tlmt m fiomo to ua every day. H The world la full of women wbn H onu iimuao the ordluury tnau. Can H bIuk, dance or reatte (or him ; onu M paint, write or decorate In u m turner H moat pleaaluK, but tho poor man of- H ton goe. begKlug for a woman who B onn sew on buttoua or moud hia M elothea; who onu oonk hla tood with H economy nud tlaror it to hla taste. H Llttlo arms enolrollng the neck H will make tho heart light, over which H no dlataoudraparklo. All the grand H ploturea and apleudld worka of art H eao onu po&waa will uerer adorn n H room m do the ami 1 lug faces of those H deareat to us. The thins thnt may H bo bought are pleasant to have, uor B ia wealth to be doipleod ; but uover H pity the poor man who has tho wealth H thnt gold oanuot buy, nor tho woman H whoae jewela tiro those of which Oor- H Bulla waa ao proud good and obedl- vtW wswiaaHaaaBBBBmai To tnnke 11 hoy Into o puro innu, h mother miiMt do moro t hu pruy. 8ho inuct live with him In the mono of comriido nnd olotofit friend. Sbo must tHnd by hlin In tlmo of temptation tempta-tion hh the pilot fltloka to tho wheel when rnplda nro nroutid She mut nevor clerrt him to no otr to nuperln-tend nuperln-tend outnldn duties any moro than the enultifcr deserta hla post and gooa Into h hiiKK"K onr to read up eritfi-ncorlDK eritfi-ncorlDK when hla train la pounding Moeoae the country at fortv mllea an houi. A man who haa made r happy fiomn for hia wlf and children, no inntter what her haa not done in the way of achieving wealth and honor; If ho has dnuo that he ia n grand auo-ccaa, auo-ccaa, If he haa not done that, and It fa1 hla own fault, though be be the hlghout m the land, bo la a moat pit. lable falluro. Wo wonder how mBny men In a mml torBultof gold, wblob ohBraotorlzea the ego, reallzo that there la uo fortuuo whloh can bo left to their families ua great ua the mem ory of a hoppy home. |