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Show Digestion and Assimilation. It ia not the quantity of food taken but tho amount dlgostod nud nealml-latod nealml-latod that givea strength and vitality to the aystem. Ohnuberluln'a Stomach and Llvor Tablets Invigorate tho ftomaoh olid liver nud enable them to porform tholr funotlona naturally. natural-ly. HVr h tir Pilaei Dra O. Notlco of Dnnd Olcctlon. Nolle l lirreby ulven by the ll.mnl of Direct uraul "IRON COUNTY IRHU1ATION 1)1- VHICT," iron Couatv, Htatu t Uuh, thnt n lUind KUciloti will I'D lM uml l licretr callfil of the Inmt ow item who are cnlltlrkl lo vuiu wllhlti "ulil iliHtrlct iroliisl by law, to vole uihiu soil determine the, follun ng i)uetloti, tiw wilt "Shall Ihr lloanl ol Directum of Iron County Irrigation District, Iron County, State of L'uh be cniimweml to iKnuenml el UmiU of alil Iron Oonnty. IrrlKAtlon UUtrlel to the amount ol Our llnmlrvtl Fifty Thouuml Dollarn (150 1 0.10). which MhloniU thU bear Inter-et Inter-et at the rxte ot not to ecetlu jwr cnl xr nutntt, maturttitr nml Mltie a proriilol by Chapter 74 of the Lau o( UUU, lvoO, a mnend-edb mnend-edb Chanter M or thfl I.a of I'tah 1911 for theuirWMof coiiKtmctlnK purtliakluiraud o ulrlni( the neveKiarv proitertv reitervolr Iik, reervolra, water i1i.IiIh, CMtiatt illtChCH.workit, mid rltf hti thorefor, and for the iiutic of (va.v-Inir (va.v-Inir the tirt ear'H lntcrut Kn ald Kindn. and carrying out the imirNlon of Chapter 74 of the Law tot Utah. IWOU, ai amended by Chapter M of the Uwa el Utah. lll' The Klectlon wl'lbe held ou thellot day of October 1911. The pollliiir plaiealu thencTer-al thencTer-al lireclncUluaald Irrigation District are ait follow: 1'irvt rieclncl rolllnc place ahall be at the SouthweNt corner of the Tlorthw eat yuarler of section 10, Towmhlp 3b South, Range 16 Weal, Salt I.ake Meridian, second I'reclnctt roiling; place ahall beat ihesouthraii comer ol the Nortbeaxt IJuaiter nfevlion 17, Township StJ Sonth, Range If WoM mH Lake Meridian, Third Vreclnct rolling place hall be at the Northeast corner of the Southcant Quarter ot section 17, TownthlpMSoiith, HaugeloVet, Salt UaWe Merldiau. Tolln w ill tie opeurd at eight o'clock a. in, and will continue open until and will eloc at alx o'clock t. w. Hoard of nliectiriu( Iron County Irrigation Dltdrlcu JOSKl'II V. MKRR1U. rrrnldent N. T J'OKTUK,tvcrelarj J. X C.AKDKKR, l)lr!ti.r l'ltst Spt ti -Ual Oct. M. nhacrlbe tor tho "Record. FOR SALE at a Bargain. Goad ream, new 3 1-2 wagon, and harness. Apply to GEO. W. FOSTER VasB 1 Netke ( WrMal Students. 2 Attention! I Wc invite you to Z, deposit your Anoney with the Bank of Southern Vtah where it will be ? 2, safe and whetc you can get it X when you wnt it, Wc will be pleated lo give you a check book which wiH cr able you to keep an Z X accurate ainint cf all your ex- j? pennies and provide you with a re- i k ccipt for each transaction. If you S Z receive but a small amount each f; 2 month leave it, with us as you get f & it, you will find that the use of a Z check book will in and of itself be j v a good business training for you. & Call on u if wc can serve you. I S.J. FOSTER, Cashier. I " I I 1 Pi S i' iiimaeS Pepsin doss not Cure Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Laboratory testa whloh we have made for 20 years proved It. The majority of ao callod Dyupepsia Cures on the merket are simply Pepein Tabletr which digest only Albiimlnona Foods Whou you bo glu taking Chamhora Dyapepala Tablets we don't want you to deny yourself a thing. Eat everything your atomaoh aravea. Road tho following testimony from a Utah Woman; "I Buffered untold agony from acute Indigestion. I triod physicians and numerous patent medicines but none of them did me any good. During one attack h frlond recommended recom-mended ynur Dyapepala Tablets. With absolutely no confidence in thorn 1 began taking Chamhora Tablets. After using three boxes 1 was completely cured. That whs over a yiiar ago aud have never had a re-tnra re-tnra of the trouble since. 1 wolgb 15 pounds more than I did a year ago aud on eat anything. My stomach never tioablea me and I want to give full rrlgo to Chambers Dyspepsia Table''. TJe Chambers Medicine Co., will W)n jj-h'1 to fuiplsh the name of the lEBKBaBHBaF aT v P 1$ BKB 80 "Ith the under-stniJdlng under-stniJdlng tMtjyou aro not bouoflted tho tloalftf'frB whom you purchased j them wlll'glsaly refund your money, j Uo loses sYjL Wo stnud tho loss. All we BfVlSlhat you be fair with us nnd olkiW ttjat you will be. bold exolualely and guaranteed ', by Cedar Cltprug Store. r - Rr Sale UU0 hlgtfQrado earl tug nun. 1 Also 300 law brums. ; J. L. LOWDI3R, ! l Parowau, Utah ; f-.,. . ,v. ... 1 Last week tie Record atated that Conrad Iluot'r and Miss Hilda 1 Walker were married at Parowau. 1 This was an error, aa the young i oouple after arriving at the county aeat decided to wait until a weok later and have tbo ceremony performed per-formed Ht tbo home of tho brldo'a parents. They are now moa aud wifo-aud wifo-aud will bo found at home to nil frlenda at the residence, of Mrs. Faun le Jones. . mi m mmmr mm. , a. 1 rther lafrtM'iMan Canaalt Cowntr Uth or th H4jtiv Nlgocrt K8TATE OV WILLIAM R. WIL-filAMS, WIL-filAMS, Creditors will present claims with rouohera to the undersigned at ber reaidenco or through the mails at Kauarra, Utah, 00 or before Jauuary 15th, 1912. MARV WILLIAMS, Admiuistratrlx. Kdmond II. llyau, Attorney for Admiuistratrlx. First Sept. 15th Last Oct. fitb. ESTATE OF. WILLIAM O MIT OHKLL, 1 Or ditora will prt-sout olalma with vuuohers to tho underaigued at bla residence at Paro wan, Utnb, ou or oerore Juntinry -J, 191'J. VALTk0 MITCHELL, H Adfinlstrutnr. J. F MeHgor, Attorney for Admiuutrator.S ' ' ..I 1 11 1 1 1 1 M aBB 7 aaal I' Locntlon-Oomcr Cosslet UIUk-, Maln St., Cedar City, Utnh. 'g Carries Fresh Beef, Mutton, etc., constantly. The best at & H y the lowest prices. Outside Custom solicited. Prompt ser- M & vice and courteous treatment. m I T3Xn Proprietor. f I laEoirtecJtfi.oia. 3EloTLaarJ l $2.25 Per Hundred at Lvnd, Utah. II I "The Kind You Know Is Good." ' If Just Sold a Car Load of this flour to satisfied Customers. Have another on hand, and can fill your orders at a moments I I notice. Will deliver it in Ceder if you desire. You pay the i ' & freight. f i I J also Carry "High Patent," "The Kind that Can't be t -t Beat." $2.45 per Hundred. .i I J. DAVID LEIGH Lund. Utr,h. m C Strong Reasons wy$S l for Fall Painting J b. pain'ed, wkcC ! The wood k thoroughly dry. ttaiacd, varnSthed, or Summer's tun hai removed all moisturt. Jniihcd in any way, thresan Acme Quality 2. Paint penetrates deeper into Kkd lo fit tae purpoie. dry Wood. A The deeper it pet tht better itholdi. 3. Fall weather is warm, dry and f dependable. J , Little danrer ef aid. damf, rglxy dart, yrJ 5 tuhitk endanger tkt dur ability 'tht fiatt. ' fW ; 4. Wet weather decays and de- f& stroys unprotected surfaces. Laci of paint meant wmsightlj and Use , J$ J valuable property. T$ ! - . !ff 1 S. Fall painting keeps out winter 1 moisture. , .( The greateit tmj to tuljfe mud beauty ef j 1 all itruturtt. & 1 ' I Ask us about JCMEQU4lnTZL If I HOUSE PJ1NT. It inwreaftKerSi 1 I FoTsEij'BV CKDAR MERCANTILE & LIVC STOCK COMPANY. i i It ViIrE iIIIOS lH 1 f i 11 iUy If yl LU 1 SO "" ii i-im i - .i -.. n I I II I in CjQ ffl " s ' - I Be satisfied with your m i 1 winter coat, buy. it early, 1 i I while you can have a big 1 T m assortment to select from. j I This year we have by far i i the most complete line of m m Children's, Misses and La- ?; i dies' Coats ever shown in 1 K'M i the city. I ".$ M We also have in a beau- P . iS 1 . tiful line of Flannelette, 1 I Kimona cloth and Dress If m Goods, both in bolt and in It I single dress patterns. 1 4 1 We can also sell you the 1 p 1 patterns to make your m I 1 dresses by. f I Call and see us- I ;" I Cedar Mercantile - and i J Live Stock Co, i j |