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Show H 4,1 - - B i j i m i )i i n r r r ! B ur School News I I t : B This column will tx wIIKhI arh week '. k bjr tlin teacher rtinl el lull praiie stii- B w datiti of ilie dUtrlrt ncliool ltnms ol M w Interest to parent will ipri'tfulttlr H ' Tho tonohcro nru tired tf cutorliifr B tWliftt tlioy Iiuvii beon tcqnontnJ to oil I H , a Ilbrnry, for booko utiil nowltiK noth H , lug bat h lonely Kroup of (Jnrpenlor'B H Qeo(rnphlonI random and Tnrr Mo H Mmrya GooRrapya jiIIk! piomlKOCUHly L upon tho empty npuoioui buoIvcb. H -'- Many tlmc thoy liavo onlored for the H purpose of Kottln soma nood book to B '8d for opening oxorolno or toentlify H . om of our hungry rcudera with good H wliolcaotnw HterHturo, Iirvo IiikI to rn. H turn empty handed or with hii old B Arithmetic that line been in thcio uv HH er since lotne of our purcntn attended HHHH school which they picked up merely HH for aurlotmlty nko, So to brlnn bo HH fore tho eyea of tho public our Ola- HbH triot Bohool mid wnko tho rlty from H Ita Rip Van Wlnklo ulrop, hnvo do- HH aided to glvo the pupllo h day where HB they will havo tit) opportunity tonhow H their parents eonin of tholr nbllity In V tohool work, In nthlotloti, wirvliiK tho 1 ptibllo with dulntlan nnd dollanoloH H prepared by thfatnaolvon. AIko tholr B fltiniiolitl Hblllty when working for atioh h wlee and important projoot ne B H eobool library. Whloh will bn ' fitted up with bet, purest nnd moat H wltolenouie hooka of today, hd fur no H our money gnea, L, Bo parents do not thwart your H children hi 'tula groHt iindortHklny H by not allowing your Inturo.t In tholr H enterprlalnR whomo or by not coming H " out to bbs tholr Kcnud parade, or by V not contribution to tholr dlirerout nt- B trnattona that thoy nro work Inn ao H earneatly upon, You nil know thnt H if h child once fallH it la hurd (or B them to take hold with tho anuio vim, H , life, and Interest again. Bo wo Irti- B plore you to ooino out thin one tlmo HH nnd aliow the olldron youaro intoroit H. ed in them by Hiving thorn ohour M nnd compliment whenever you haro H the opportunity. For mauy tlmea a oheerlmj word or n word of (uioouraca- HT meut boosts moro and movoa one far- B titer tltHU H kiok or above. B' Parent", wo wunt you lQliUtUSOMK H ' aomet. you can ooino nut and Hpitud a H day with tho ohlldrou, Dtt not put H everythltiK olf until that day atid then H prepare to do your hardi'atdiiy'H wor.k H lu the |