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Show , n ii 8 Why Men do Not Marry. I ' Tunro aro today about four millious I of men in tho United States, past 11 thirty years of age, who aro not mar- I - ried, and the number is constantly on 1 the InoreaBP, snyB the Rev. Madison 'I 0. Peters, D. D., in tho April New I Idea Woman's Magazino Why do , not these men marry? Will it ho- i .1 oome bo in tho futuro that oompnra- 8 tlvely few men will marry? . m Independent careers are beuoming t " more nnd more Impossible, and about t 9 four millions of women lu tho'Unlted 1 M Rtotos are Oiling positions which men S should occupy to make homes. Tho fl salaries of the average young men, ev- H en in good positions, Are low fltfeeu B to twenty Ave dollars a week. How m can a man Bupport a wife ou a pros- jH ent day salary? H Marriage is boiug elfeatually cIIb- jK cournsed by the constantly inoreasiug fM cost of living, both in town aud coun VW try. Parents without forturues sup- WM pott their daughters in luxury, and M girls expect to bo thus cared for after SK marriage. It coats more to sustain Qmu Buah a girl tbau tho average mau oan IIS earn, nnd it does seem as though the lu times were coming when only tho ex- IB. oeptlonally fortunato young man can i, JB or should marry. JUH The time wss when ladies in the B Deat 8eo8 of tuat uiuch-abuEcd word HB recognized in any circle that was B worth tho entering, looked upon their B interests as identical with their bus IjH Stand's and were help-mods snd not jB 'merely help eats. m ' |