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Show Modern Dentistry at Cedar City. Our reporter In ranking his rounds this week drnpned Into Dr. Otunp-bell's Otunp-bell's cozy oUloa rooms over tho Bank and found tho Dootor busy as usual nud patients availing their appoint ni'Tit. Kverjbli.'u about tlio cfllco and laboratory bat tbo air of neatness. neat-ness. Or. Campbell informed ua that ho will Install a local tolepbouo at once, and equip his laboratory with eleotrio polishing machinery. It is bla deeiru to onilvinoo the pooplo of Southern Utah that they noed not Ibhvo Codnr City to flud I ho best iu 'inntlotry, Sommoform gas, aud local iinortlliotlc- for pn I n leas extraction uf toetb. Ollloo rooms I'.-l orer bank. |