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Show iwm . ! ii in i .. .,. t- I Gems In Terse I h 4 A SONG OF TOIL, r TAKE the little kiss she Elves when I 1 fro forth at morn. I I take Uiq little farewell with upon j p. tho brc borne. i take her little firms' caress and In ' tho mornltiK llRht t 3o out Into tho world of toll to battle for tho right. Illnrr. anvils, with your clawjor! Burn, forgos. Ilerc anil far! The night shall bring tho world of home. Whore lovo and goodness arc! t lean to llttlo lips she lifts to my rough . , lips of love. I, rend the mother iiopo that shines In eyes that Klcam nbovc. I hear the roaring city call, and unto It I go Light hearted for the stress, becauso a , child heart Iovoh mo so. Swing, hummers, with your clatter! Whli 1. whooln and alinft nnd beam! Tho light of lovo shall guldo mo home From out this shroud of Btcam! t tnko tho llttlo rose sho holds and pin It t. on my breast. ! "i&lo , I tako tn0 tender memory of her word I JtSft l',at cheered and blest. I ,wf I fac" tho urscnt purposo of tho labor '' ) that Is mine, ' tl ' P'l'od with hor trunt and patience, her "f ? youth and faith divine. ' H ' riuuge. cities, with your thunder - Vj ' lmflc shout and roar! & I tal;o tho task and do tho deed , l s Whllo fiho waits at tho door. r ' I tal;o tho task, 1 faco tho toll. I doom It Tjfr- sweet to he rf Itoiml to tho labor that In lovo for Jovo's .-v ' liberty. K Prom morning unto eventide, remember-' remember-' i lug licr, 1 po .v,4v ijIuicr Ihc bcndlnc wheel that bH'.Iqs for "M:iB ' l,vcr l nnJ rro-,W rro-,W Sing, mills, your C.'ittorlng chorus ? Down whore tho millions sweat! s'a J mro my ,irma nn1 B'vo mv. strength 'sCVi And Joy In what I get. ( .v r jv 'W t give and take, and give again, and , ? unto darK am bent ' $K Uem-uth tho bunion of tho task for which r - r sweot life In spent. Hut, ah. the wago so dear to have, tho ..i,' little lips that wait. ' '7 The heartf that ring, the arms that cling, J $' where 1 unlatch the gate! 4JE- Clang with vour mlghtv revel! ' &, ' Kour. cities, with your sttlfe! Vftlb,, And God be praised for strength to toll i$hW " or wago of loic and life! Vrafc' -Folger McKlnsoy. W A. SOMETIMEBER. IK 1 had my way In creation I'd add n new month to tho year, A fccnson for doing tho Jobleta ''' Which mod; us when now they appear. ' fTUlU sun would shlno brightly for furm- . - Ing. Sufllclcnt to lighten your load, But ueWntttfLto distract you ! , .JMH-eamu'ocQuiipl'i on tho road. HhJM JB par. 7nr" jHHBHHHrc a WhnPpWTou tinkered with zeal. But never tho drops should engender A thought of a rod and a reel. Q MIEN" June, with Its riot of roses, - And other months all should bo clear. The patented month of Sometlmeber Would tnko all tho work of the year. ' New York Times. mij-' BAIT. f A UOZEN Ps of golden hair. Wi An sctru braid und cut!, , A dainty nwniiaOown powder J. pufr. v A box of blano do perle, A bathing milt, a motor coat, A (limy veil or two ,., And llttlo patent loathor pumps All shiny xmurt and new: 5-r 'Somo sttkon horo of rainbow hues . And gloves of wilnkled Kid, u A stunning fiock of uatln pink - In froity lates hid. & A picture hat. a string of pearls. ftfl A parasol and fan f- Behold tho bait sho takes along J5, When fishing for a man! $$$$', Minna Irving. ?v ''- ' THE BELOVED. V', T OVE, your touch Is llko tho caress oT ' ' - zephyrs. ,' Love, your eyes aro deep as the placid 'f sea pools. Love, your voice Is clear as tho thrush at , ' even Heard In tho beeches. LOVE, your smllo has all of tho gold of noontide. Love, your footfall la llko tho pulse of music. ' Love, your presenco Is as a benediction Bounty and beauty! Clinton Scollard. " t -HEROES. Vi ' T T 15' S n hero! U . I I Put him up! ' i 1 llow tno horn and bcat tne JL J. drum. Ask him out to dlno and ' J sup. Go to hear him lecture some. Boast about htm In tho press. Bid the bards their worst to do. ; Name the newost style of dress After him and cocktail too. -. ile'B a hero! Put him up! llo's a hero! ' Pull him down! Kick him; he has not a friend, t Roast him till ho's roasted brown. Joke about him without end. ! Laugh away his foolish claim. ! Give to jealousy full swing. 1 Mako a byword of his name. 1 j Lie about hlm-anythlng. J ' He's a hero' Pull him down! Anonymous. KATYDID. 1 TV-ATY. what was It ynu did pX you have kept for ages hldT , Loud assertion of a deed 1 Gives no detail wo can read. TVD you, on a. franchise bent, -' Hurl a brick through parliament' Or did you an anti roam, ( Asking to be kept at home? DID you wrlto a problom book? Did you provo yourself a cook7 Did you go upon the stage, . Bet a style that was tho rage? STILL no answer. We surmise What the deed you advertise AVo suspect with all this fuss I You bavo JuBt been dolns us. |