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Show I Well, Here It Is. EDITOR RECORD. In your luit ismo you bewail tbo foot Hint thu,ic lias not brou a "kick" lor n week, and that lu conerqnonco thereof tbo ton la falling into lethargy. In I , ordpr to avoid any each dtPHPtrous results, I gtadly uciou to tbo rcnu, 1 feeling that I bnvo a flttitit suhj-ct on which to bcee u cnwplniut I J, liko ether citiens mor or ler I Interested In the stock ot th Elect tin I Light & Power Compauy, atn pretty f woll dlEgChted with tbo sort of fettlco that tho munngemcut Ib dUhlng up to us this winter. It teems tlu.t with ago nnd exporlenco wo nro rettrgrsd I Dp, rather than Improving. Winter H beforo last wo hnd n muoh moro ' do I pondnblo service than wo Rro getting H ibis winter. And lHBt winter, not H withstanding tho sevsrlty of tho B weather compared to which tho H proFfut wintor is liko spring, wo hnd H a moro constant Eorvioe than we me B- goltiug nv. II Notwithstanding thi', coasldflrnllo D worlc wua dnno en tho ditch lat fail. B nnd it oivrbt to lo lu Utter condition n than evnr efor?. What, then, la rim H rxattor? Why the liequeut interrupt-H interrupt-H iotiri in the I'pbU? I hellrvi' thst H oen auRvor the qupEtioL', p.t Jestt to H my own Fatisfactieu. H In tho first place, it Is no secret H that tho eleatrla light dltoh lt n Tory H troublesomo affair. A ccnnldorab'e I feTT""""' "B e,,R';u traverses I iiBjif itf iiBii'ii "ilal lhrouKu wb,ln tho MT'ar jBBjbB lined wltbolsyJn, R,, v IHPI I' waer H IPVnen onoo tho water penetrates H tbia lining, or rlres abovo it, it token H a very abort ttmo to cut a bolo that H requires rovoral days labor to ronolr. H Up to last summer tho company j doomed it nooeasnry to keep a mat) on tho ditob conatnutly wbllo tbo wator H was in, to watoh for and so far as posslblo proven t these anboutH. Last summer it was thought tbnt ono man oould bandlo tho plent and also tbo i H ditob, nnd during the Rood weathor I I he did very woll, itnd tho eervloo was I satisfactory. Hut this wintor during I tbo bad weather, it has been quite iB another matter, nun tho company is m making a corlous mlsluko in trying to B manage tho dltoh nnd plant with only Hj ono man. Tho savin c of tho waaes nf M the extra rrnu i doublol orquadrupl- M od by the cxpsuFO that it incurred by m tho frequent breakages. Hesidos this. H tho sorvioo is so uncertain and JB irregular that people )o?o interept, I nnd tho eleotrlo lights their pop- I ulcrlty. 1 What tho eleatrio light company uoods to put it nn its fcot nnd convert con-vert tho "Irish dividends' luto renl ones, is n vigorous, hu6tllug man in . cbargo of the ditob, who enn nnd will give all hiB nttcutlon tn it. Who I will inako his camp near I ho head, with telephone connection hetwoon 1 him nnd the plant, and with u fe 1 good men who will answer his sum- ' I ' mons promptly wIipii n break dqiw 1 . occur. Tho lights ouaht not to be off il a 8lnlf night, if It io possibly be IB I nvoidtd, and ulnety-nlne titaen out 1 of a hundred it could bo uvcidad If n tho right kind of eyttom and hiibtlu m woro employe. W One trout lo Is that in this oonntry R wo aro all too eupy going Wo don't B know how men move to kop tho H wheels turning In tbo big outer I world. Wo are content to drift, in- H Bteud of bending tho oara. YeB 1 H know that it is easier to talk than to B do, but tho6o are fuots, and wo bnvo got to oome to tbom bofore we really B ntccact to ver- rcrch in tl.!s b'r. B bnoMing world of ours B Next sprlDg whou tbo weathtir gat- B good, the water ought tn bo tarael out nut! tho canal put lu Uret olnsB condition. All tho gypsum beds nnd tnunelB cemented. Mot with n force nf Hni'0 or four mon, whiob would reqnlro all vumtfor, but with juut na larvo it frrco us can bo employed to any ndvautafro. Either this or tho company ought to nhpudnn tho dltoh entirely Hud oo-oprato with the olty in hiluKiim i'i tbo other spring Into tho onllniuy pi no and utllizo tho power that tbh will ndurd for inn uiug thoir plant. But In tho ir.nnu time, duriug tho lut)r sananu, thcro :nhttoto n good ten1! kont cou-ttuntly cou-ttuntly no the ditch, and n ttrorg ellort imido to nop tbo wntor in tho cjikbI. It will bt money hi tho com pony'd pocket o do It. "PROG K ESS " |