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Show A Wise Surgeon. 1 roooutly heard of a method adopted by a ahrowd surgeon thnt Ih Worth recounting. It mlnht iio well to mention that hn was omlnontly uoonafull. Ho had oporatod on a (treat number of cccniloim for appoo-dioltia appoo-dioltia and had nevor loat 11 giiro. Ati lutlmato frlond of hla asked him huw ho wan ablo to moot with auoh marked itiooosa lu suoli a aorioua dlaeaeo. Ho replied by stating that nil oporatlonc for appcudioltia woro wrotig. All auoh a chho needs la a thorouh evacuation of the bowola, but If one should rIvq auoh advice to a patient hn-wMwvUl.rVluaSfif4tTl. that ono didn't understand hla ohpo, and ho would aoaroh far another praotltlouur -that, patients aotiiHllv domaudod oporatlonc. Thla phy8lalan stated that ho per-formed per-formed hlo operations without an nttondant, booauao ho didn't want to Klvo hla arorot away. Ho placod hla patient undor tho Inlluonao of other and thou Icnoadod tho nbdomon thorouRhly and vlk'Orou.ly, glvltiK oapoolnl attention to tho appendix. This treatment would atir up all tho Impaotod mutter and cause a good porlatnlsia, whloh, with tho ouomiiB and tho cathartic ulven just boforo puttltiK tho patient on tho tnblo. would Biuoly romovo all tho anutouta of tho bowola and thnappoudlx before many houri. Hu Htateod that ho did not nut out tho oppeudlx nt all, but merely aoratohed tho akin right over thn appendix Just about doop viioiikIi to put throo or four prominoujt stitoh-oa. stitoh-oa. Thou ho would awaken tho patient and annouueo thnt a rotten appoudlx contain ItiR a pint or pura had I oed removed, aud would Insist ou nu absjluto rest In bod for two woilcu, presorlblnR a liquid diet, after tho bowola bad had a n coded voit ho would caution tho patlout HRiilnat ovor oatliiR. Ho would ro ooivo llvo hundred dollars for his operation, and naturally his refutation refuta-tion thrived. I must notiRrntulatn thla surKOon on hla aauaclty and ospeoially ou hla consideration for hla patient. To those enrROona who muat have the money 1 heartily commend thla spleudid idea of a superior aurglcnl method for romedyln nppendioltls. It la far.muro soloutitlu than tho real operation and for Kottluu tho tuouoy It la oortaluly up to date, and, what is moro important than all, tho llfo of tho patient was saved. Do you know that fully uino out of every tou oases of rheumatism, are simply rheumatism of tho muaolos duo to cold or damp, or chronic houmatiam, and require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Chamber-tain's Chamber-tain's Llnimout freoly Htid eeo how quickly It ttlve roller. |