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Show RATION L IJASIS OF WAGES. Tho Mining Mugaino comments editorially 011 11 recent paper by Mr. Harrington Einorson boforo tho American Society of Mechunicul Enginocrs. Mr. Emorson oxpressud' tho opinion thnt a living daily wngb, is duo tbj'overy man who tiigus away liis Hboi ty to auothor, whether ho stands around idly to glorify his em ployor or to ainuso himsolf. " Ho considers u special rowurd duo for exceptional mid unusual 03 operation, oper-ation, ollher of mind or of body, Or both, stiico tho earning of such a wage, whilo not implying harder cr moro oxhuusting wcrk, rotiuiros more undeistatidlng und co-opornling work, and may bo divided into throo forms 1 1. For use of body. 2 For ueo of hands uud eyes. 3 For uso of head mid lioart. The editor in tho Mining Mugaino comments on this us follows: , As u matter of fuct, it would bo dltllcult to find any successful manufacturing manu-facturing ontorpriso which does not follow just-such a principle. No ontorpriso on-torpriso otherwise mnnngod could succeed, suc-ceed, hut tho employer cannot bo omnipresent. Ho employees nro subdivided sub-divided into groups mid each group is controlled by some 0110 man who himself him-self proficient to net us a foreman. It is ho who must judge merit in his group und rownrd it; nud lie, with tlio other foroTiion, is, in turn, judged and rowtirdcd by tho next in authority author-ity abovo him. Writers on a subjoot so complex ns this should curoftilly diirerontiuto ba-tweon ba-tweon groups and classes of labor. Of conrso, all wot"k is labor. Tho otn-ployor otn-ployor labors in common with tho writorboy at tho work, hut tho grout muss of laborors who do only what thoy aro shown und tlioso who can do that which has boon oxplalncd to thorn, aro soparnto find distinct from thoso of 11 highor grado who think what should bo dono and how to do It. Tho Unit class represents tlio bulk 'tit tfigjliiborjotnnycovintryknnil la fir geiieral without tho ability to understand under-stand academic philippics ns to its rights and tho reusou for its rights; its wrongs, or tho roiison for thani. It recguizos only so much money which it recolves at tho ond of the dm lor tho minimum of work which it hits banu able to without being dis-mlkwul. dis-mlkwul. It nets as n pliant body in tho hands of tlioso with tho intelligence intelli-gence to appoul to its animal sensations sensa-tions or its desire to obtain that for w'hicli it bus glvou mi porpor work as compensation. It is for labor of this kind that a rational basis is uooded. Intelligent Inbor quickly lluds ti rational basis 011 tho broad und per muuoiil fotiiidutlou of its ambition and tho lolutiou between its brain and its hand in tlio work vvliich it Ins lo do. |