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Show Won't oll Do It. Aud you Mr. Modorato Drinkor you do not get drunk nnd mnko yourself disgustiug, nt least not yot; but you tnko an occasional glass with your companions -ojubtto bo soclnblo; and now that you como to think, you hnvo boon taking thoso glosses rathor moro frequently of Into; in fact, to bo honest with yourbolf, yen. havo como to lookjorward to meeting somo friend thatSvfifl'fnrniBli tho ox-cuso ox-cuso for a slight injlulgonco; yoj, j'911 nro tho inn?! wo moan: Wo want to nsk, cannbt ypu forego this littlo frlondly habit jfor tho sako of socioly? Will you not coaso to gratify this littlo dosiro to bo sociable' soci-able' and refuso to drink for tho sake of Uio" 'bxnmplo you sot to othors? In tho hope that you nlay bo tho monnof stroiigthoning tho dotornU-natlon dotornU-natlon of sumo ono who is furtlior along on tjia road to destruction? Not that thoro is tlio least danger of YOU losing your solf 'control I Of courso, wo do Hot' moan to insinunto anything of this kind. Wo fully npriroolato.tho fact that you aro strong and able to tako caro of yourself, but by nccoedlng to our request you may bo nblo to liolp others. Now won't you do it? |