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Show A Chapter On Man. Man born of womau is n forked' nniuml with whools in his hond. Ho comoth into tho world kicking nnd kiokoth nil tho days of his lifo. Whou a yearling ho is boss of tho ranch. Hut at llvo tho "old man" broakoth his scoptor ovor tho young king's hoad, and whoro is ho? Ho plnyoth "hookey" from schotil nnd loaruoth to Bwim in a mud puddlo. As a gosling in tho good old summer sum-mer tlmo, lA) woaroth a soro too, and whou his dad dootli his duty, he froquontly staudoth up to oat. Ho foodoth his faco with green : npplos and sighoth mightily iu tho still watches of tho night. Whon tho hair begiuuoth to grow ou his whiskers, tho rustlo of n skirt is swootor to his oars than thcmuslo of,' tho sphoros. ,, Smitten with fomluluo linrms yL HtraiBhtwuyi.tuUol'h tho kink out pf his bnckbono nnd swolloth up liko n poisoned pup. At slxtoou ho kuowoth moro than all tho uuivorsltiost and as for tho old folks, thoy aro has-boeus. By day ho hustloth for candy coin, and at night ho buildoth castles iu tho nir. But lol his darling givoth him tho "mit" and broakoth his hoart iu ton thousand bits. Whon two dnyH of mourning nro ended, ho flndoth uuothor by far moro fair, who meudoth his "gizzard" and his sorrows lloo ns tho shadows. In duo tlmo sho duplicntoth his hoart fracture and ho llvoth a day iu holl, but is rescuod boforo tho sun gooth down by anotherdamsel, who damns him again. Ho growoth hard hearted and damoth a few damsols himself, and thou moototh his Waterloo. Sho Binitoth him under tho llfth rib and ho roturuoth tho blow. For many moons thoy coo nnd woo liko sick doves. Thou comoth tho pronch-or pronch-or nnd it is nil ovor, Solah I Next comoth Poto nnd Repeat, Kato nnd Dupllcuto, ot al, and thoy start out' to do and bo douo as thoir futhor beforo thorn. Now tho old man hustloth for grub with an oxcooding groat hustlo. He farmoth and is robbod by tho trusts. Ho hiroth himsolf to a corporation corpora-tion and gooth ou a etrlko and is struck on tho hoad with a polico-man's polico-man's club and is knookod "sonsl-bio" "sonsl-bio" nit I lid gooth on 'chaugo and is changed from bull to boar with such alacrity that Iiq losoth nil his chnugo. Ho growoth somo moro wool, Qod knows how, and contructoth groat lovo for tho ponies. Ho figuroth out a "systom" nnd is robbod Bystomnt-ically. Bystomnt-ically. Ho isnstonlshod at tho Bpoed of tho horso ho didn't piok to win. Noxt ho gooth into politics, nnd lonrnoth that nil men aro liars. Af tor-ward tor-ward ho gooth ou u long excursion with tho boatman Charon nnd whoro is ho? Solah 1 Dnmflknow. Iconoclast. |