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Show Where Beer Steins Flourish Somo beer stolns aro mado in this country, but thoy do not cut any fig-uro fig-uro in tho trade. Germans, who aro tho principal buyers of steins, know an imported from n domestic nrtlclo as a gardener knows his flowers. A man who has spent his youth in Germany, Ger-many, ospeclally If ho knows anything of tho student llfo, can toll by merely glancing nt a stoln in what part of tho fatherland it was manufactured. Tho fargosL steins .impartM hoh" about eight pints of heor. In Germany thoy nro usod In boor halls patronized by university students at Holdelborg and olsowhero. In this country tho Germans buy them for presents. Tho greatest compllraont ono Gorman can pay nnothor is to present him with ono of theso highly decorated stolns, on which is implanted a familiar pic-turo pic-turo in colored clay of his boyhood homo, .tho homo of his ancestors, or somo inctdont In German history. Anywhoro from $30 to $50 may bo spent on a stein of this sort, 'and the manufactureraWvlormany glvo such a wldo variety tlholr nativo scenery scen-ery that vory fow w.oins aro mado to ordor. y Tho smallest BtaM holds exactly ono-eighth ono-eighth of a plnt.'-jleso aro seldom seen In barroony jMathskollers, oven for exhibition '8i3, Thoy aro presented pre-sented to chllr0 families, just as the English e3 Awncrlcans present china nnd p ,' AWa cups, with tho namoj rjf ttgjJBjtjIntod thereon ln4 ornato coloroo'Jiffrrf. These small stolns, llko tho hw ones, generally record somo InclBt In German literature, lit-erature, and someBos cost almost as much as tho blgws. Two dollars for a small stein HiIs description Is a vory modcrato ift to pay. All imported fKs nro porcelain lined. Tho clioapB sort, such as aro ordinarily kept oliars In ico packed tubs during tho Bmmor, cost about fifteen cents tactty Thero is a heavy duty on them. |