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Show .- tlio Iron Claims Again. Tito Deaerot Ilvonldg News 'of April tfcb, and tlio Salt Luke lierald of the atntB late are re'sionsible for thc state-ment state-ment that the Taylor Iron Claltha have Beeu sold to the Colotado Fttel and Iron Company. They 11U0 confirm tho re-pott re-pott that tvo published last week In re iftllon to tho extension of tho railroad south from Marysyalo to the Iron claims alleging that the wor'lf Is to be pomntoeoU itnmodittoly, and piished aafeatna" fowlble; ttud that as soon tit It reaebejj Deseret Mound tho ehlppluff, at (ton oto will begin, from thnt point to the rttoblo Ii'on works. It is tin old alvlug ibt whore thcro is so much dnoku there is likely to be SQtn'q lire; nd in this ease it ie possible that there fciowe tralu '" t,,e t0"1' itit we fchta benl ho umoh talk about , theio Wj,i eUlmai and the taijroad that Is to , tiii WP ftro "t,t eHS,ly oxjtitad. Our pelle "llv0 lonr"ed tl,at tttJ,c ciieap; ii $6 cannot but ad nit- that In some nates it 8 alM cneet,nS W "P" the1 import Is true. |