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Show Tun i'rofano and obsccno lauguago disorder seems to be claiming tho attention at-tention of a number of the smaller cities cit-ies in tho state and they aro ,ln several instances muklng special Ordinances against It. This aeema to us to bo ti I move In tho tight-direction. There 1 can bo no reason for .law abiding cltl ens being Bubjected to, tho annoyance I of hearing tho ltaitac of Deity used as It Is c'fltlrtTtrrn"sntynirti,of'OtttMrBT' merely to pleuse tjto deprayed tasto of a class of irreverent? and ignorant hoodlums. hood-lums. There is another- phrase of tho qucstton which is well worthy 'Of colt-slderatlon, colt-slderatlon, and that Is tho duty which tho lawmakers olvo to this class of pco. pie of saving them from themselves. Nobody would bo ns inuah benefited by tho making and enforcing of such n law ns the thoughtless boys who do not ic-altzo ic-altzo the sin of tho habit, but who think th-ink it nmlten men ot thum, Wc com mend tho Idea to tho eosidcratlou of our city fathers who nro even now In tho not of completing n codo of lnws for our bcnetlt. There is a duty which the oftleern owe to tho community In this regard that conditions wcru never moro propitious for tho discharging of than now; nnd that was hover more needed, |