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Show CHANGE SPOILED THE EFFECT. Minister's Unfortunate Alteration of Blhllcal Phraseology. William Dean Howolls, nt ono of his auuday nfiornoon rcccptlono, was talking about the slight chango of phraso that may Bufflce to malto an lmprcsslvo thing ridiculous. "I romombcr a sermon that I hcarfl," ho said, "In my boyhood, in Martin's Ferry, tho quaint Ohio town. It was a sormon about Judas, and tho minister, after reading to us how Judos betrayed tho Master for Uiirty pieces of silver, added, 'Thirty pieces of silver, dear frlonds, Is $18 In our money.' And tnen ho wont on heatedly: heat-edly: " 'Yos, Judas betrayed tho Master; ho prostituted that holy symbol, tho kiss, for tho small sum of $18.' "Tho change of phrnso was slight," Mr. Howolls concluded, "hut somehow it sulllced to make overybady Binlle." |