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Show B.) " ' 'MH4l" i i? . '-, , - R ,.. , ' If f c I St- George and Locality. V. - Mnny bnd colds nro in ovidonco ft this wook. I ' " Mrs. Alico Bleak Lang is very ill B with pnoumonin. jl T'"ro will bo n danoo lu tho Booth iL'- ' ' hM ton,Bht' fef Mr "! Mrs. Groonbnugh did not Irt- como to St. Goorgo ns was oxpootod., '& Don't fall to eoo tho oporotta, "Tho : Morry Milkmaids." Tho prottlost ? ' yot. A numb'or of mining mon woro ; ;, noticed about town tho first of tho i , S. L. Adams with a crow of men , . started wqrlc at full blast on. tho Pay- , master tho first of tho wook. Isaac Hunt is Boriously ill with n ootnpllcntion of urinary troubls. Two . doctors aro in atondauco. rtrTv 1 " ' Tho Mutual danoo was a pleasing j" affair, and upwards of sovontoon dol- I - Jars was oloarod nbovo nil oxponscs. fc ' I J It is roporiod that Ephraim Wobb K- liari' purcasod tho homo of Arthur L Woodbury in' tho west part of town. 3- - Arthur Adams arrived in St. Goorgo Bf Wednesday from Provo. Ho camo Bf to work at tho Paymastor mino witli ft"" his fathor. Mrs. Tina Maefarlano is toaching B tho fourth grado at tho Woodward on account of th'o .illness of Mrs. A. F. ft micB- ' ifcV'"" Art Adams loft this morning with P "supplies for tho Paymastor mino. IJ Miss Leah Dodgo-wont out to codk K' for tho hands. NOTICE. Thoro will bo a moet- !? . ingfor all ofllcprs und roprosontntivos 'u of tho Roli.of Societies Monday .J-"" ' morning, Dec. 10, at 10 o'clock. v ' Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ponroso nro f, . horo from Salt Lako visiting Mrs. t Ponroso's mother, Mra.. Robort Mo- Kt Tll M. I. A. havo sont for "Ari- 5B zona, " tho popular play. Thoy ox- B poet to cast It Immediately and presout . in tho noar futuro. gm Charles Foster mot with n painful 'H acoidont Sunday ovoniug wliilo outt- IB ing wood. Tho nx slipped nud cut IS an ugly gash in his foot, that ro- quired four stitches to oloso. iS& Tho Woodward ball team is in Bft ' "roadlnoss for tho moot with tho Nor- Bf mnl team Doc. '20. Tho nvont pro- H mlsos to bo a livoly one and will Jp bring many visitors during tho holi- BJ. day soiihou. Bt: The Sunday School convention will Bf" bo hold in tho Woodward school Bjf'. building Sunday morning at 9 o'- Kd clocK. Papon) will bo road and dis- Bfl oiiHsod in thovarlous departments for fls' tho bonollt of all tho teachers nud '2s- ofllcors. Kj A busy corps of Relief Society BJp ladios woro at work all day Wodnos- Bra day arranging nttrautivo tablos and M covora for tho displaying of articles fcfj at tho buznr. Wo hopo tho offorts of Ik ; those Rolipf workors will bo npprcoi- Ej ated by tio public. '"" Parties having, claims against tho y County of Iron will pleaso tako no- j """tico that such claims must bo filed ,,..'. wftfjjjtho county clerk at least throo I days' lo&fqro tho meeting of tho board C at wliioli stloh parties oxpect to havo I thoir claims amnvod. i Joeoph Empoy is vory ill with symptoms of pneumonia. Brothor Isnao Hunt is reported very low today nnd not oxpootod to llvo. It is not known whether nny of tho Church loaders will bo in atondanco at conforonco or not. Tho ntmosphoro is hoavy and murky this morning, but thoro nro no indications, indic-ations, of an immodiato storm. Bp. MoArthur was soon about town yesterday. Ho says that his honlth is bottor than it has boon for somo timo. Goorgo Morris is Btlll nursing his injured hand and will bo uuablo to work for somo timo. - Tho ncoidout that temporarily disabled tho member occurred In tho Dixio mino about u wook ago. Tho U. S. official lumbor agent camo to St. Goorgo Monday and ntachod all tho lumbor available, provouting tho salo of tho same It is alleged that local lumbor mon havo sold tho lumbor contrary to law, but wo havo boon unnblo as yot to iltid" out tho particulars of tho case. |