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Show I OVERTON Overtoil, Nov. Doc. 11, 1901. Mrs. Virginia Lytlo returned homo from Las Vegas Thursdiy. Boru To Mrs. Eva Whltmoro on tho 21st ult., a baby girl. 1 A Basket Ball will bo glvon in Ovorton during tho holidays. Mlsa Ray Wallace of Moapn Is visiting visit-ing her sister at this placo. W. A. Porkius lias a now framo building going up on Mln streot. A Christmas ontortainment is now boing proparod by tho school. Mr. Duuii, n drummer from Chicago, Chica-go, passed thru horo' Friday on routo to Toxns. Tho woathor has liooiiMary plonsaut rocontly in tho day time, but vory loy at night. Bryant Whltmoro arrived homo from Salt Lako lust week, whoro ho has booattoiidltig school at tho uulvorslty for some timo. Albort Woods pastod,boro yesterday from Bartlay, on routo to Kingman to meet bis wlfo who baa- been visiting visit-ing relatives in Arlozna. |