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Show I educational! I BRANCH NORMAL NOTES. H Tho boy (no hard at work at tliolr BH busu-ball piuotloos thcao pleasant H aftornooiifi. A guino with St. Goorgo BH la In occur about Christmas. BH Tho recital ylvon by MIb's Sponcor BH was thoroughly on joyod. Shb sustained Hfl hor onvlablo roputntioti an mi olocu- HB tionlSt In a variety of good soloo- HB' tioiiB. Assisting bor woro Morgan HB Edwards, who guvo n violin boIo with H orodlt; Jonnlo Oorry, who Bang HBJ "Dreams" vory sweetly; Mumlo HB Jones, in an nitlstlo piano Boloctlon; HB and Mrs. Drlggs, who sung "Sloop H Llttlo Baby of iMino," with pleasing H otToot. HB Tho young ladies aro to bo warmly HB congratulated on tholr successful HB ball givon last woolc to thoso who HB worked on tho skating pond. Not Hfl only did thoymnko enough to pay oir HH tho dobts inaurrod ; thoy also nottod HH a balanco for future ontorprlses of HH M tho kind. Tliolr sharo in tho public HH proporty is thoroforo inoro than half. HH Olio attraotivo part of tho evening HH was tho dolloious'rofrcsimiouts sorvod HH in tho domostlo soionco room, which HH had boon vory tastofully decorated H f, for tho ocoaHloh. '' 1 H Thru tho offorts of Prof. Drlggs HJJ Pago & Pago havo bcoa Induood to HHJ buy a collootion of choicest b jlca for HH old and young that tiio world pro- HH duooa. Taoy will bo placed on salo HH boforo Christmas; and if tho Arm is HH successful in disposing of thorn, it HH will ooutiuuo to keep good books on HH , hand, Wo liopo to supplant tho toy HH habit to hoimo extont. Somo of tho HH -other morohants havo oxprossod a HH wilingnoss to try tho oxporimont, but piB-. , it has not boon worked into dolluito HHl .shapo as yot. HJl Tho Students' Sooioty is to glvo HJJ tho following Christmas program ou HJJ Friday ovotiiug, ut 7 ;30 shnrp. ' H PROGRAM. HH 1. Ohorus, Malb Chorus. HH 2. Plauo selection, Myrtlo Dock- H H 3 "Origin of Christmas Fostlv- H Itr. jjW.loy Dalioy. BH. MflflH'Song, Mrs. Drlggs. K s. ,f """ Xjihw Btory, Efonriottn "Jones. HHHflk (5. .Xmas road lug, Rona.Sargout. B 7. Song, IlarryLuntv -' H $. Piano solooxTonTMary'lIigboo. HJHHHk - "r 0. Solootion, Orchestra. flHflHflHflHHHHP |