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Show Additional Parowan Items. Tho following bills woro nllowod: Supervisor for repairing bridge, $10.15; for witness feoq, 81.00. School examinations nro boing held horo today, but nil tho papors havo to bo forwardod to Salt Lako for examination. ex-amination. Wo cannot toll who will bo successful for eomo timo. Thomas Bouaou nnd M. A. Hon-driokson Hon-driokson rotumod homo this oveulng from thoir trip to Los VngaB nnd Bullfrog. Thoy roport thlngB us boing bo-ing almost beyoud comprehension. Hay is soiling nt 3120.00 per ton and also hoard men offering 820.00 for a barrel of water. A very pleasant eurpriso was tendered ten-dered Miss Colin Pendleton last Tuesday evening nt hor homo, tho oo cnsslon boing thnt Miss Pondloton, in compnny with Mr. Vnn Buoruu is leaving for tho Mnnti Tomplo, whero thoy Intend to bo married. Thoy will mako thoir future homo in Ornngevllle. |