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Show POLICE FLED FROM RIOTERS. Crowd Clamored for Funeral March In Memory of Russian Sailors. St. Petersburg. At a great demonstration demon-stration Sunday ovonlng In tho Pav-lovsk Pav-lovsk gardens, near Tsarskoo-Solo, tho 5,000 persons j present clampred fora funoral march In mombry ot 'the Russian Rus-sian sailors who had lost their lives in the naval disaster In the sea of Japan. Tho members of the orchestrn becamo alarmed and fled from tho platform, whon M. Novlkoff, formor mayor of Baku, rose and said: "Let us all by rising show respect for tho victims. Down with tho war. Wo havo had enough blood." Some eight policemen entered the farther end of tho hall and elbowed tholr way through tho crowd towards M. Novikoff, whereupon crlos wero raised of "Lot us attack tho police" Chairs wero seized and hurled at tho police, tho crowd bolng led by a colonel col-onel with a drawn sword. Tho police-mon police-mon fled precipitately. Order being restored a number of speeches were delivered on tho national crisis. Suddenly Sud-denly tho police, reinforced to botweon 200 and 300, ngaln invaded tho hall and rushed on tho audlonco with drawn swords and drove the peoplo from tho hall. Many persons wero Injured. |