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Show H I Advertise In The "Advocate." " L 1 Just What Gneryone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Uarber of Irwiuvllle, On., always koepsa bottlo of Cham borlaln',B oilc. Cholera and Dinr-rhoea Dinr-rhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant in-stant use. Attacks of colic, cholorn morbus and diurrhoen como on bo quickly that thoro is no timo to hunt n doctor or go to tho stores for mod-lolno. mod-lolno. Mr. Barber says: "I huvo tried Ohamborulin'g Colic, Cholorn nnd Diarrhooa Remedy, which la 0110 of tho beat medicines I ever saw. I koop a bottlo of it lu my room, us I havo Jiud Boveral attacks 0' cl' BU It has provod to he tho host medlolno Ieser uei." Fo- tale by all Dealer, u. ' f Nephi YARDS - Mil ford. J i 8 GRACE BROTHERS 8 i f) DEALERS IN 69 jl Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Casings, Flooring, Ccalings j gh Rustic, Building Papers and Builders' Hardware. & m A Side Line of Coffins and Caskets always on Hand. M (( Prices Gurantecd as lowas con bo obtained elsewhere. (m 71 Having n branch ut Mllford, wo uro proparod to fill Soutboru TI m Utuh orders moro promptly thuu any other firm. GEDAR GITY DRUG STORE. , a p. I I DEALERS IN a. Pure Drugs; Toilet Articles, 1 Fine Perfumery, BTj Choice Cutlery, JP Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Etc, JPF Doctors' Prescriptions scsjCfl Carefully Compounded by a I1 Registered Pharmacist BENJ. F. KNELL, Proprietor. Cuban Diarrhoea. U. S. soldiers who sorvod in Cuba during tho Spanish war know what tbo dlseusois, und tbut ordinary rooi. edloa havo llttlo moro effect than so much watbor. Cuban diarrhooa la almost as sovoro aud dangerous as u mild nttnok of cholera. Thoro ia ouo remedy, however, thn can always bo doponded upon na will bo boou by tho following cortiilcute from Mrs. Miunio Jacobs or Houston, Toxna: "I hereby certify tbut Ohumborlniu'B Colic, Cholera nnd Dlurrhoea Romedy cured my husband of n 6ovaro nttuck of Cuban diarrhooa, which bo brought homo from Cubu. Wo hnd sovornl doctors, but thoy did blm no good. Ono bottlo of thia romody cured him. na our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so vuluublo n medicine" medi-cine" For sale by all Dealers. tC n. t. roKTKH, rrcs. U.T. JONBS, V-ITCS. ft ft s. j. l'osriiR, bec'y. 2 K OTHER DIRECTORS X ft . U CLAUK, OfcO. W. MIDULBTO.V, J. L. S J? hBW, l. I. HKlllEi:, K. It. SNOW. jj IBANRI t: Southern Utah, 5 J Cedar City. 5 5" 8. J. I'OSTCR CASHIER. 3 fc a Commercial and Savings Depository. S J Exctunje on Eastern Uank. "3 X Five er cent paid on savings l)cios- .' i J. Its. IIiisIiichs of Soutlicrn Utali Solicit '2 V ed. Capital, $25,000. Open, 10 to 3. J I I One (&& j I To Los Ang'eles, t To Salt LaKe. 5 3 Lots Anfelo Ilxpross to y y Lund 7i07 o, m. !! j Suit Lulle Expres to Lund 5ii p, m. :; 1 UTAH'S FINEST TRAIN J. L. MOORE, T Dlht. Pue8engorA2t. r X fault Luko City. I Old paperdi for salo cheup ut this olilcc. 4 Your Life ' Currents j.awir J The power that gives you life and motion is the nerve force, or nerve fluid, located in the nerve cells of the brain, and sent out through the nerves to the various organs. If you are tired, nervous, irritable, cannot sleep; have ! headache, feel stuffy, dull and i melancholy, or have neuralgia, rheumatism, backache, periodical peri-odical pains, indigestion, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, stomach trouble, or the kidneys and liver arc inactive, your life-current is weak. ; Power-producing fuel is needed need-ed ; something to increase nerve energy strengthen the nerves. , Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncr- , vine is the fuel you need. It feeds the nerves, produces nerve force, and restores -vitality. 'When I lfsan taltlntr Dr. Miles' IlostorutlVe Ncrlno and Antl-Paln ' l'llls I wus conllned to ny bed. I liad Kcvcro neroun spcllH. the result of two years Ulricas with malaria. I gradually grew so wealt that I vnn unable to olt up. The smells would commenco with cold chlllK. and I would become weak and utmost helpless. help-less. My circulation waa poor. I had, doctored right alone but uro-v weaker and weaker. Tho Nervlno neemed to ptrcmrthen mo right away nnd iny circulation was better. I liavo taken In nil seven bottles of tho Nervlni. nnd I nm entlrelv well." , IIOSA B. WEAVER, tituarts, Ia. i Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druaqlst, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. I Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind I Chamberlain's 1 COLIC, CHOLERA AND j Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will 8 invuriubly cure an ordinary at- 2 tuck of dinrrliea. j It litis lu'pn used in nine epl- 5 demies of dysentery with perfect 1 J 8ucceHfi I It can nlwuyB bo depended H npon. even iu tho more eovcro nttui'ks of crump collo und chol- wi morhtiR. , ' It is ennnlly Biiccessful for ' mimtner diurrhea and cliolora infantum in children, und is tho , means ofsuviiiK tho HveB of many ! children euuh year. j When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to tako. I , Every manor a family shonld J : keep this remedy in his home. J , Buy It now. It may siivftlifo. 1 Pnici:, 25c. Lahoe Sun, COo. I x |