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Show CUT BODY'N TWAIN. South Dakota StockmcrrCharged With Murder of Employ. I Stanley county, South DakoTft.-vJms it murder mystery. William I'linnee'ite, a sheep raiser, whoso ranch Is fifty 1 miles out on Cottonwood cicck, Is In ' jail on n chnrgo of murder nnd tho (llsmemberod body of Andrew Deniler ls nt Poit Plerro revolting Interment. Dernier, who worked for Kiinnccke, disappeared last February and his employer em-ployer was suspected of knowing osmo thing of tho cause of his illsnppcnr-ance. illsnppcnr-ance. A watch was kept, and Friday night tho watchers dlsehvored whnt was believed to bo tt iiowly-opUiiert grave. Saturday iiiornlnjr they discovered discov-ered Kunnei'ko driving' across the prairie, and arrested him. Ills trnll wus followed back several miles, and thn body of Dernier was found cut Into two pieces. Kunnccko refused to mako any statement. |