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Show I CQRRESPONggNv-. j Rj rowan KromjstinKS ) rSr-Vt'!t-;r"sff' "' Auril 1 Thu Farmer Club ml lourpyt ; ,t.,-sen ,t.,-sen so 11 laat Monday night Irylu Vnrdlevaijd KUu'l Ifm,.)!. wert mairitMl.'od,y In t ijiUee f the coun lyelerlc. ' ' Undo lohn I.yra has sold b'.j Imok horn prlng.i. property to' Df rf' imlih the dullest. nnd'Wm.'I, (liirr. ''' Hon L. I. Clhtl: has sotno bawilfi.l iiivltutloiit out utnongst bjp friends inviting invi-ting Hi m to attend tlio w'eildintf of hi d iiightor ICIla at his homo to-murrow ovenlig when Htiow11l bobome tlo wlff of Mr JaujesfC. Knblnsitn'p; pawiu'oop-ah. pawiu'oop-ah. ' ' ' - ' Mr. Wllford Day of thlu pty ha Vm appointed a ine,inbor of thp Htate ivnrl of hhei'l) CoBimlwIhners, nuij .Mr. : Win II. Lman V tjoiv arnembe'i'nf.'tho State Hoard 6t sheep Inspectors." Mr Lymnn wllldlsehfirgo thp'intlos.o lilsntlfie in Iron 'Cpi-ni) . till srni i'K win- . ' Dr. Joseph Melirogfireai ;. .miiii: fpm Chlengo .where h i9 Vvi'n suidyluj medicine, last Tyt,.sdav night. HU return re-turn tv timely lib his brother, Pr. )on aid MeCrvgor is aiviy,ou'(i professional tuur n Novmla, jmd In his .abaeqeo we were irithpnt tueijlcal a'salstanro. A biy; rabbit drive is pu the urogram for Saturday thb Ithlns't it Is to ho one of tho old fashioned kind, iho' sett wo used tp liavo jcarsaj;6, when we used to form a Hue nf peopln n fow feet npari oxtuntllng In some InMnpcoa riearly i mile, boys, girls, jnen hud u-oiueii old and yhung ai nrmed with clubs, (no guns allowed). When tho order to march was 'glvon tho ends of tho line wou)d movoMilllolontly In advanep of tho middle to keep It in in comlQiroU am) tho rabbits would be driven towards to-wards lie lake whore those which escaped es-caped llie clulis fif their put-urprs won M ft 1 , ( 1 - 1 '" "' i'"u . M.. 1 . 1 I |