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Show 5AREER OF "BUFFALO JONES." President's Guide Not Considered a Daring Plainsman. Tho telegrams recited tho other day that President Roosevelt had put himself him-self under the guidance of "Buffalo Jones" on entering tho Yellowstone park. Evory time "Buffalo Jones" Is mentioned tho people on the western border of Kansas aro Inclined to laugh. As a daring plainsman Jones Is a good deal of an Impostor. He went to western Kansas as lato as 1874 with tho homesteaders. Ha had been n nurseryman In Doniphan county. coun-ty. His llfo was spent In pursuing tho desporato applo tree grub, ana his exploits against the labblts wore many. After reaching western Kansas Kan-sas ho got some Ilttlo notoriety by going out and catching a few buffalo calves, attracting attention only be-causo be-causo tho buffalo had hecorao nearly extinct. Catching buffalo calves, by the way, was a sport among the plains children llko gathering Johnny-Jump-ups is nmong their Eastern follows. Kansas City Journal. |