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Show . i ... iiiimii i i i ii i i i I-lcctrlc Llghtsi Mr. Charles M.Lang who Is a practical electrician is In ottr fllty for the purpose Of putting in an electric light plant and supplying our pcdplb with cluoti-Uj light" In their hdnlcs and bUMncsi houses. Wo had Uio illcasuro ot talking (Villi the gttitlcmnii, Vho by tho wnj appears to be just what he represents himself to be, a practical man, Mr. Dang proposes in consideration of the granting by tho City of suitable ground upon wlilch Id place his lndchincry, Iri the Eastern part of town, and tho right bf way along tho streets for the poles needed iu th e bltsine&s, to Mntncdlately proceed to Install au up to date steam plant with n capacity milllolent to sup-.ply sup-.ply the requirements of a)l reasonable growth. One other condition la necessary neces-sary and that is that K)() lights should be either subscribed for or assured. The prleo of these lights will range from 75 cents to -10 cents per tiiouth, depending 111)00 the number of lights taken lu an.y onebulld)ng. In a general gen-eral way wb are opposed to ' . , grant-In? grant-In? by our city of any franchises to private Individuals or to private, corporations cor-porations for these public utilities, tint under tho circumstances, particularly In view of the fact thai Mr I.aUg will obllgato himself tp sell tho businoss to tho city on reasonably terms to bo spcciQcally stated lu the contract, when they aro proparcO to purchase; it appears to us that it would tje a good Idea to ombraco the opportunity. Ao we view it the right thing to do would be for tho council to get u definite understanding under-standing of tho matter) which should bo In writing, nnd before closing the deal call a meeting of the, citizens and glvo them 1111 opportunity to..voto on tho measure. The ihhln .dlUleulty will be to find takers for the -100 lights to be disposed of. |