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Show Decided to Walt. Tlio stockholders of, tho Cedar Co-op-orutlvo Mercantile nnd Manufacturing Manufactur-ing Association met in tho evening of tho 12tU Ins't for ihocpurpusc of taking Into consideration, tlili practicability of erecting a new stole building. Thi1 business which this popujnr institution Is doing is bQ far in (excess of the accommodations ac-commodations they liavc, that the need of a now sloro is notv a question. Hut it often happens that our needs outstrip our ability to provide for them, and this seems to bp the situation in the case under consideration. After a long sesslou tho conclusion reached was that It was belter to wait a few months before taking any notion looking towards to-wards the erection of a building such as Is so much needed. |