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Show r JJ , i PIGllTlNG""imiIPlN0S.' . J AMERICANS CAPTURE TEN FORTS AND A SULTAN. ., Two Americans Are Killed and Seven Wounded, While One Hundred endfc Fifteen Moros Meet DeatjiJCja Captnln l'orflhlng'a column tinl' defeated de-feated tho sultan of AmparuganiwajB forco of Moros In tho Tnrnca country on tho oast shoro of I.alto Laoao, Island Isl-and of Mlndnnno. Tho Amorlcnns capturod ton forts. Ono hundred nd nttcon Moros wore killed, 13 wiH'Ju-cd wiH'Ju-cd and CO woro mnilo prlsonors. 'Jje Moros captured Ineludoil tho sultun. Two Amorlcnns woro killed and sovon woro wounded. Tho ton forts constltuto serious and strong positions on tho hanks of tho Taraca river nnd from them tho M6-ros M6-ros vigorously roslstcd Cnptnln PQn' Bhlng's advance Tho American troops nttneked tho forts Monday nnd cap" turcd eight of thent without sufforfng any losses, though tho 3G obsoletjp cannon mounted on tho fortlllcntlons woro served with tho best ot tho enemy's ene-my's ability. Jn Tho garrison of tho ninth fort rj elstcd florcoly nnd Captain I'orshluK ordered tho fort to bo shelled and captured cap-tured by assault, which was dono. Lieutenants Shaw and Graclo, leading two companies of tho Twonty-soventh Infnntry nnd n dotachmont of cavalry, surrounded tho tenth fort, whoro thr sultan had sought refugo, nnd It surrendered. sur-rendered. Tho forts havo boon dismantled. |