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Show B . i. i. i ill H DRIVING, THEM OUT H The County iiitdrhuy of lloavcr oaunty H is IriRtltiitltifr n vigorous amnpulgu B iit'alnBttlie iiicmberH of tlio "Ueiiil-iion- H ilo" who have Invaded tlio Mil ford pre- H Clnt of that county. Tlio SlioriiT (lotlll- B rd the entire lot (soyqn) to lenve tpwn, HV a notlco which only two of them obey H cd, and wnrnuitti lmvo hoen IsMicd for H tho other (vowho will be arrested find B given their choice between leaving B town lii)mc()latOly, or going to Jull. HHJ. Of coursa tlicro Is no cjieMlou with n- J jrard to tho Immorality of tho life HHj which Jl'.eso vqmon lew), nor the need of supprebshiij It; but It lq Uudoubt HHj ed fact Unit If their tnnlo companions HHJ' were treated with equal severity or K 'what would bo inoro just, with greater severity tho measure would have a J muali better loolf; and tho evil would HHJ comc-niucH nearer bolng eradicated HHJ It is a Kad comment on our boasted fl liberty nnd justiqo In this country of HHJ nllcgcd equal rights, to sco'tho weaker HHJ transgressor hi iilnu cases out of ten HHJ rccelvo tlio greater punishment. Soc- HHJ ially, civilly and In consequence morally HHJa and .religiously, the woman js the HHJ greater sufferer, and this notwithstand HHJ inv 'all tho lino talk of American cliiva- HHJ Inry and alleged protection of the weak. HHJ The reason of this Is not far tq seek. HHJ Mali with his greater brute strength HHJ has always been tho ruler, uud it would HHJ bo unroaponablo to q.vpect that ho HHk would so far forgot himself as to give HHJ n weaker party tho right to call him HHB in question on equal grounds. HHV It Will uqt be contended that If con- HHJ dltions yero reversed, itnd woman was HHJ- liUdo the stronger, and man was HHJ Uepondcut upon her tt$slio Is now depen HHJ dont upon man, that sho would bear HHJ all tho blame nnd all the disgraoo and HJ punishment of these sexual sins, while HHJ man who, in the majority of eases HHJ is the responsible party, went unwhlpt HHJ bf justice. Jf ever tho time come HHj When woman ceases to be dependent HHHlHHHHBfeHtfttK.or 'lv'n2' SUQ cease HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHk's a step in tho dir- HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJ iq only a HHHHHHHHHHHHHHJirorded such facilities for HHHHHHHHHHJHJHRiylng as make her HHHWrea from dependenco upon tho othei HHT i,ox as If shq wcro qno of then). And HHJ tho man who under nny pretext robs a HHj wotrnn of her honor should bo treated HHj like any other robber, and made to HHj bear tho consequences of the robbery. HHj , (Tustlce administered on this prinol- !el would soon bo deplete tho ranks of ,he "Demi-monde", un.l prevent tho HHJ hlnful uvopatton which they follow, HHJ that we should) not llnd It necessary- to HHJ iuvoko tho stiong ant) of tho law for HHJ their expulsion. i |