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Show Empty Seats of Organizations. Thero Is ono plnco In a big city where an organization for young people peo-ple is so inching in seating capacity that throo persons havo to uso one chair ono In front and ono on each side. This lottor doos not apply In such n ensc. Anothor organization In tho city has a gallory with flvo hundred empty seats noarly evory tlmo tho members get together and somotimes tho scats on tho main floor nro but half occupied. occu-pied. Many loadors havo roportod that It Is oaslor to got members than It Is to socuro nttondnnco. To got members nnd got thorn In thoir plncos when thoy should bo thoro roqulros a sustained Interest In a contral objoct. Without a doflnito objoct there Is no oxcuso for an organization. With a doflnito objoct woll understood and systematically pushod by means of wldo awake methods momhors como to meetings. Wido awako methods aro not nccos-sarlly nccos-sarlly now methods they may bo as old as history, but thoy must havo llfo, activity, usefulness and variety. To think of them and adjust thom roqulros ro-qulros originality and bouso. Sohbo comes by respect for others and or-iglnnllty or-iglnnllty boglns with a lovo for tho object. Unless a leador lovos his work ho will not got momhors out in nil kinds of weather or away from othor attractions. But lovo for tho work do-vises do-vises plans and uwakons resolutions and dotormlnntions in othors; It also hoars, sees nnd hoops for tho right tlmo and plnco Ideas nnd Information as uflofnl tools nnd powers, for doing. DECEIVING THE YOUNG. H A public entertainer of a third of a H cuntury ago. gave an one of his regrets H the memory of having taught a little H girl to H A very profane man told how, when H a small boy, men would hold htm up H In their arms and tench 1.1m to swear , nt his drunkun father. H A woman gives this report of an H experience she had whon a girl and H left In charge of hor home while her H parents took n day's trip. Tho parents had provided another H ami older girl from a neighbor's homo H to do tho houseworK, out tout ineir jh laughter not to lcavo tho house oxcopt H to go to tho near by postolllco for H tho H Tho daughter was not told why to x H remain nt home, so when sho was H continually urged to go to tho woods H for flowers sho wont as sho had fro- H quontly dono before H On her return sho found a younger J daughter from tho neighbor's sitting H In her own rocking chair, and as this H llttlo girl wns a schoolmate she wns H pleased to sco hor and asked hor to H go out to play. H To her surprlso tho llttlo visitor H refused and Insisted on remaining In H tho JH When mnll time camo tho llttlo girls il wero told by tho temporary housekcop- - ll or that thoy could go ono to her )H homo and the other for mnll. H Then tho girl noticed that as sho went out with tho big girl's sister that H tho llttlo visitor's skirts wero sticking B out nnd sho could hear tho rattlo of H Whon older she understood tho plot , H of being sent to tho woods for flow- ,H crs nnd tho peculiar actions of tho 1 younger sister ns a visitor. H I When parents nnd older brothers 1 I nnd stale:? uso tho llttlo ones as modi- ' k. I urns for international error, whoro Is 1 t thero a chance ioi Mo ilttlo ono to ro- XJH I cover their spirit of purity of pur- fl P87 IjjH Docs thoro como a tur.v in every , lM life,. po patter bow tr tomfy-ffSSj.-j , 's&JfH of wisdom It has boon led or wan- rB dercd, when it comes to a path leading HBVJ to M Some claim that by means of faith,. H hopo, observation, discrimination, do- H slro and comparison any person may H sco bettor mothods nnd follow thorn. H The personal Interest of others who ' H fortunately, speak or do the right H thing at tho right tlmo hasten tho i right way being seen nnd followed. llH An lntenso Interest In better moth-- lll ods Is tho best remedy for undeslrablo H habits, and there aro hundreds of n n H wnys by which people havo becomo Interested In better methods. B Tho degree of tho Intensity of tho H interest In accuracy and best moth- ( H ods hns much to do with success In f H conquering, us some poor or undcslr Il ablo mothods resist tho chango moro 1 H thnn others or somo people havo moro i H of themselves to conquer, but tho l greater tho fight, the greater the paw t H er to do when tho victory t. won. t H Those Imprisoned by incorrect edu- ll cation may wish for escnpo but doubt ll that it is possiblo. To those this may M bo helpful continued wishing If genu- M Ino grows a will power to conquer oc- il cnslonnlly, nnd by Investing each vie- v M tory regular success Is reached. M Thoso cases on record of lustantane- M ous and cofnpleto and pcrmanont vie- k M tory nro tho most hopeful of anything M In tho world. Why tonchers who aro M tho liberators of thoso Imprisoned by t. rogrotful education and environment, ' do not know moro about theso oscapos M Is a question many havo asked. 7 M |