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Show A Plucky Priest "Father Rousselet is as plucky a man as they make 'em," was the eulogy eu-logy passed by an officer of the English Eng-lish army on a French missionary laboring la-boring among the savages of Africa. The officer is not alone in his admiration admira-tion of Father Rousselet, as our foreign for-eign exchanges testify. A federation of barbarous negroes, the Eku-Meku, whose occuption was the purveying of human victims for sacrifices, was known to be making a descent on Is-sele, Is-sele, a large town where Father Rousselet Rous-selet was staying. While most of the other inhabitants fled, the priest, deaf to all persuasion of friends, not only refused to escape, but went, out alone to face the ferocious brutes. . They told him they-had cr.-ne to kill him and de- ' stroy the mission. Father Rousselet calmly defied them, saying that his ! God was stronger than theirs, and threatening them with vengeance. It was the story of Attila over again; the savage raiders turned away, leaving the priest and his mission unmolested. The praises of Father Rousselet have been sounded by the public .press and in parliament, and the Royal Niger company has bestowed on him a handsome hand-some present. . |