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Show COLLEGE BOYS Will . Soldiers Defeated By Score of 12 to 11. t "' TWO TOUCHDOWNS APIECE - KISSED GOAL LETS ALL HALLOWS HAL-LOWS "WTU. Soldiers Play Brilliant Individual Game, But Team Work Is Weak and That Tells the Story All Hallows Is Playing Strong Game and Has Good Team Work. (From Sunday's Salt Lake Herald.) Flushed with victory in a close and fxcitinff-game with the Ninth cavalry eleven, the All Hallows college team returned from the fort last evening. Twelve to eleven was the score by which they won. and it was a game in which honors were about even. Each side scored two touchdowns and a mirsed g"oal was all that prevented the came from resulting in a tie. The two teams seem very nearly matched, although al-though the soldiers are somewhat the heavier. In team play the college boys Were far the superiors of their opponents, and it is to this that their victory was due. The soldiers were Ftronp: in the line and their defensive riay was -rood throughout the came. but on the offensive they rely almost exclusively on the- speed and the dodging dodg-ing abilities of their fast team of'backs. Lieutenant White has built up an excellent ex-cellent system of interference, but the backs have a tendency to run back, and they almot never follow their in-u in-u i f preix-e. a habit that cost them many yards in yesterday's game and will cost them many more when they meet a heavy team unless they reform it. Their best work was done by their captain. Williams, and by Andrews, Barton and Carter. Team Work of All Hallows. All Hallows has improved in team work "wonderfully in the past week or two. Good interference, aggressive line work and a praiseworthy ability to brace when their goal was in danger, characterized their play throughout. Fanning, McKenna, Downey, Tallon and Wolohun deserve especial mention. The -greatest weakness of the team is an irresistible imd-ncv to tackle high. Frequently thev had opportunities to ston the fast runninsr backs of the cavalry cav-alry team, but lost them by high tackles. The soldiers kicked off to . the All - 31 u Hows' tf-n-yard line and Canning fumbled. Tallon- saved the ball by falling, on it at. the thirty-yard line. , By a system of bucks at the tackles All 31al!ows "forced the ball risht dovn the lield without losing: it. and la ten minutes of play they scored their first touchdown, McKenna carrying ;he ball over. Fanning Kicked an easy goal. Soldiers Take a Brace. It seemed as though they were going to repeat the process after the kick-off, kick-off, but the soldiers braced at the middle mid-dle of the field and got the ball on downs. They carried it. back to the twentyyard line on long end runs by Andrews and Barton. A couple of line bucks took it to All Hallows' f.mr-yp.rd line, but there '.he college line took, a brace and, breaking through, caused a fumble,, which gave them the ball. Tallon Tal-lon took it twenty yards on a double pass, and mass plays on the tackles carried it to the center of the field. Here the soldiers got down to business and Fanning was forced to punt. He sei:t the ball out of bounds at the soldiers' sol-diers' forty-yard line. A couple of ineffectual in-effectual tries at the line and a fumble necessitated a punt, and Barton kicked to Downev, who fumbled, and the ball rolled behind th3 All Hallows' line, Tallon dropping on it. It was brought out and kicked off from the twenty-five-yard line and the first half ended with the score 6 to 0 in favor of Ail Hallows. Williams Gets In It. Captain Williams, who had been out of the cavalry team owing to a bad leg, replaced Andrews in the second half. All Hallows kicked off and the cavalrymen carried the ball swiftly dawn the field, mostly by means of end runs' by Williams and Ringo, to the All Hallows' seven-yard line. Here the collegians took another brace and held for downs. They carried it back twenty twen-ty yards, and then came a fumble and the ball went over again. This time the soldiers were out for a touchdown, and pretty dodging runs took it in two plays to the line and Ringo went over. It was near the corner of the field, and Williams had to punt out. He sent it accurately to Hennesson, ana a moment later Henneson kicked goal. Score, All Hallows 6, Ninth Cavalry 6. Williams tried to work a long pass after the kick-off, but Fanning came through and threw Williams back before he had the ball well in hand. This gave All Hallows Hal-lows the ball on the soldiers' fifteen-yard fifteen-yard line, and within two minutes of the kick-off McKenna went over for All Hallows' second touchdown. Fanning Fan-ning kicked goal. Score, All Hallows 12, Ninth Cavalry 6. Fanning's Nice Run. On the kick-off Fanning ran the ball back to the center of the field behind-excellent behind-excellent interference. All Hallows could not gain through the line, and Tallon tried a quarterback kick. It was nicely blocked and the ball went to a soldier boy, who evidently had forgotten forgot-ten where his own goal was, for with a clear field before him he turned and commenced to run the wrong way. He was caught at the forty-yard line, and then the soldiers made it a procession down the field with their brilliant end runs, which the collegians could not seem to stop. Barton went over for a touchdown, but Hennesson failed to kick an easy goal.- Score, All Hallows 12, Ninth Cavalry 11. The same system of play, end runs, in which Williams at times circled one end and at times the other, worked the ball down again to the All Hallows' 4 goal line. There were but two minutes left to play, and the ball was on the All Hallows'-three-yard I it when Williams Wil-liams was hurt and had u leave the field. All Hallows made a nice brace at their goal line and were carrying the ball rapidly out of danger when time was called. The line-up follows: All Hallows. Ninth Cavalry. Wolohan.. L. E Taylor T. Canning L. T Carter Findlay L. G Freeney Furey C Phelps Olseil. R. g Hennesson R. Canning R. T Moore Hennessey R. E. Anderson Taon... Q. B Atkins McKenna L. H. B. Ringo Downey R. H. B. Williams Fanning F. B Barton Touchdowns McKenna 2, Ringo, Barton. Bar-ton. Goals Fanning 2, Hennesson. ' Final score All Hallows 12, Ninth Cavalry 11. Referee Lieutenant White. Umpire McCormick. |