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Show AKMSCftAPft OR BAM or vast" wwoa Highest Honors, WoHds Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair Avoid Baking Fo-vders containing alum. They are injurious - health PMIC CITY TICKET For Mayor, ARTHUR F. BARNES. For Recorder, GUST AVE H. BACKMAN. For Attorney, FRANK B. STEPHENS. ' For Treasurer, RICHARD P. MORRIS. For Auditor, GOULD B. ELAKELT. For City Justice of the Peace, JOHN B. TIMMONY. For Councilmen First Precinct. ' JOHN SIDDOWAY. NO A H J. S H ECK ELL. JOHN GALLAGHER. For Councilmen Second Precinct, , W. B. LA VIELLE, THOMAS C. LEWIS, GEORGE G. SMITH. i For Councilmen Third Precinct ' F. S. FERNSTROM. CHARLES G. HOWE. A JOHN B. REID. For Councilmen Fourth Precinct. a EDGAR HOWE. ) WILLIAM J. TUDDENHAM. EMANUEL A. HARTEN STEIN. For Councilmen Fifth Precinct. i ANDREW GEBHARDT. 4 ROBERT MORRIS, a JOSHUA MIDGELY. ' A REPUBLICAN TICKET. ' ' For" Mayor. EZRA THOMPSON. For Aurfttbr.' . ALBERT S. REISER. For Treasurer, ' J. PARLEY ' WHITE. For Recorder, . RAYMOND Ci, NAYLOR. For 'Attorney, n xr '.-rms For Po'ice Justice, ' D. H. TWOMEY. For City Council From the First Municipal Muni-cipal Wnrd, GEORGE BUCKLE, JOHN J. THOMAS, FRANK J. HEWLETT. For City Council From the Second Municinal Ward, R. B. WHITTEMORE. CHARLES COTTKELL. JR., GEORGE CANNING. For City Council From the Third Municipal Muni-cipal Ward, MOSES W. TAYLOR. EDWIN F. , PARRY. WILLIAM E.' ELLIOTT. For City Council From the Fourth Municipal Ward, W. C. SPENCE. GEORGE ROMNEY, W. C. 1,YNE. For City Council ' From the Fifth "Municipal Ward. ALEXANDER A. ROBERTSON, R. G. GEMMELL, THEODORE B. BEATTY. A GOOD, RELIABLE 1 ELGIN or WALTHAM I WATCH " I t For a Boy, $G.50, I ; -AT- I 1 McCONAHUY'S, () () 41 West Second South Street. 0 r. Mckenzie, The Leading Dealer In Fine Monumental Work. Office and Sales Rooms at inn West First South Street, Salt Lake City. Call or write for prices. Office, CO W. Second South. Telephone SS. The Lantoii Lime & Cement Co. LIME-PORTLAND LIME-PORTLAND CEMENT. RED MINERAL -PAINT, PLASTER AND HAIR, . SILICA SND. FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY. SALT LAKE CITY - - - Utah. REMOVAL.; To my many friends ajid patrons: I wish to notify that I have removed to 172 South Main -Street, H. D. SABINE, Merchant Tailor. . Ladies Tailoring a decided Specialty. , New Store, New . Goods. Large As-sortment-tq select from.' - - -Telephone 823 5 ringa. - - 1 1 .iff If - HAPPY HOMES j fTSpbif I li ff Made still happier by furnishing them with articles of & IL!.I J l-t comfort to be found at our store in profusion O rf&': at kwest l-vn& prices. We have V I Ug FURNITURE, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, 5 V'V' DRAPERIES, STOVES, RANGES, ? rr CROCKERY, TINWARE, ETC. , & 6 Everything necessary to furnish the home throughout at lowest living prices. 1 H.. BIN WOODEY FURNITURE 0. ' ' i SALT LAKE CITY. ATI f y iU 1 Sfi 4 . 4t 4 Jfc A)fi dfi 4t 4 ft 4 ?J 4. 4. iV. J 4 Jj 4 4. 4t 4, 44 4 4. Jfc 4t 4. J, 4.V 4. 4, 44 t 4. 4 4, 44. 4?. 4 V 4. A i? itf i? i? iJ i? i? i? V V V V V? V i? i? V i? i i? i? ? i? i? j? H i? J i5 i? i? i? it J i? i? ii i? ir - j SHOES! SHOES'! SHOES! SHOES!', T T. Hmvhacb & Bro.'s I Means a guarantee of goodness, be the cost penny or pound. We buy our goods of $ A " A a Representative Factories, hence we lose nothing by making goods give satisfaction. 1 I We warrant all our Shoes and cheerfully make good any not entirely satisfactory. 4 0 I Ladies' Shoes, Misses' and Children's Shoes, Boys' Shoes. I ... Headquarters for adies Mkses' and Children's Rubbers. " i - - t A, &4&-&00l&'&00''!& 4i&&&y58S& -t-0-"-- I Wh All -asi II p Se,Hn9 Agency for the I M(LM(&Bdlll(& United States Rubber Co. " j. SIEGEL CLOTHING CO., j Salt Lake City and Butte, Montana, f i - ' ; t I Specialty for this Season, Celebrated Boys' Reefers, prices S3.50 i and upwards. We are beginning the Fall and Winter Season with the most I complete line of Gentlemen and Boys' Clothing to be found in the 0 entire west. Our' vast establishment is filled" up with the latest I styles as well as moderate prices. Y : $ i A $ 1 I 61, 63, 65 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. &-Q&-&-Qifr'&-&-&'&--&4&''& wt1' &-&$&-&&-&--&'&-ei--. , 1 1 s INSURANCE. R.W.SLOAN, I Life, i I Liability and Fire. 14 West First south Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. . , Diamond Coal & Coke Co. Diamond Coal, the only coal. Government Govern-ment test, 2,100. ' Salt Lake office, No. 121 S. Main. O'BRIEN BROS., Sole Agts. Pembroke Stationary Co., STATIONERS, Drawing: paper instruments, Williams' typewriters, filing" cabinets. Frinters, Blank Books, Engravers. Engineering: supplies, blue printing, typewriter papers, ribbons, carbons. 54 W. Second South street. Tel. 758. ; OTiEARA&CO., REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND MINING STOCKS. Re-discount and sell commercial' paper. Rooms 44-46 OTvIeara block, - Salt Lake City. Utah. $ ' Did it" ever occur to you that a f 1 ti57 dialer of the right kind with clothes j kt s7$? of the right kind likes to show them I $ W:l A A whether you buy or not? Yes, it's fzy mzant as a hint. t ir ri o $ 'I Suits. Two Bummers in double $ I TPTT breasted style, $10-00 and $12.00. $ ' ! a K $ Overcoats, $6.00 to $30.00. I 0 v Underwear and Gloves for man . II ! $ i , 1 or boy. In town or out of town we ! 4 serve you just the same. 4 ) ; . . . ' " ; -0 I ONEPRKE J.P.GAEDNER3!3633MAINST I I r" : I We are Headquarters for i HERCULES POWDER, I ' m HOWE BROWN STEEL 4 ,,-..".., 4 And the Very Best Mine and Mill Supplies. & - I it! 1IKIM llil (I ! - ' ' " t |