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Show HI IP 'Si 1 T tt! Li Li j ,1 ii Li I . . 1 i Li ii Is Produced By What We Eat Life prolonged by using sound, healthy food. Good bread is the most essential article of food. You can have the very beet every day by tele-phoning to the j MO DEI STEAM BAKERY i i i G. A. fRJDEL, Proprietor. j I Telephone 1479. j ' I I - 1 j ERSKINB B$OS. vummm, I ' QS FiTTIM 1 cJOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 53 West First South. Telephone 029-X i HALLIDAY j! DRUG CO. Hav a complete line of chemicals and Pure ii ; Drugs, and make a specialty of Prescriptions. SOUTH OF SALT LAKE THEATRE AND a NORTH OB1 THE ORPHEUM. THE ELGIN DAIRY CO. B East First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Phones Bell. 489, 469; Ind.. 4S9. The best only of PURE SWEET MILK. CREAM AND BUTTER. In a class by itself ONE GRADE-ELGIN BUTTER ASK TOUR GROCER FOR IT. . Notice in your travels a fine sign or a well painted house and you will sea ; that sign of good workmanship. ' HAMLIN jfeliLV PAINTS WILL PAY DOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOO Phones 964, 965, 968. q United Grocery I Company 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. G 3 i 267-269 MAIN STREET. o . Specialty, high-grade and Imported J Goods. Jg NATIONAL TEA H ; 8 IMPORTING CO. fO (Incorporated) 0 HNEW' WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. X7 221 South West Temple St. ( H Schools. Hospitals, Restaurants anrl 'virf' Hotels supplied a lowest prices. S5 rwvj Sole proprietors of Shamrock Tea and vsx? m coffee- H McGirrin & Gustm, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Both 'phonea Z THE f . W. GARDINER CO. PRINTERS, RULERS ani BLANK BOOK MAKERS. 216 South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Agents Jones' Improved Loose Leaf Specialties. If e. Undertakers and Embalmers. Metropolitan Hotel Block. 289 S. WEST TEMPLE STREET. Telephone 630. SALT LAKE CITT- "Success is our Slotto i If you want good work and best sanitary results, send for J J FELl Phone 1205-k 335 South Main Strest I, ' -LEADING BANKS. Established IsCD. J:-inirutt:-d 1&'J Walker Brothers I 1 BANKERS j . SALT LAKE CITY. j I Capital S25Q.GG 8; Surplus I I and Profits S10Q,OGO I! ? Safety deposit boxes for rent at ii.w per year j Sf and upward. f J fl Exchange drawn on all the principal iiti''s or it m the world. Accounts solicited. '' & hi Commercial National Bank CAPITAL PAID IN. $200,000. General banking In all tts branches. Directors O. J. Salisbury, W. P. Noble. J. B. Cosgriff, John J. Dalv, A. F. Holden. iloylaa C Pox, J. E Coagriff. H. P. Clark, cashier. National Bank of the Republic U. 8. DEPOSITORY. FRANK KNOX President J. A. MURRAY Vice President W. F. ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN , $jw.u.0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS io.OOO f X General Banking Business Transacted. Safety Safe-ty deposit boxes for rent The finest safety deposit vaults in the city. Letters of credit Issued. Interest paid on time ieposbu. The State Bank of Utah Commercial Banking In all its Branches. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to country trade. Joseph Wm. Taylor UTAH'S LEADING UNDERTAKER AD LICENSED LI-CENSED EMBLAMER. Telephone 851. Office open day and night, 21. 13, 25 South TVest Temple street. Salt Lake City. Utah. R. M. ntcHENZIE MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES Large stock to select from. Designs and plans submitted will be carefully carried out. Call and see our latest new designs. All work carefully executed exe-cuted 9n. sTirrnvprd.. 422 Stale Street Opposite City and County Eldg. EDUCATIONAL. SACRED HEART ACADEMY OGDEN, UTAH. Boarding and Day School, The highest intellectual advantages, a beautiful beauti-ful and comfortable home, and careful attention -to all that pertains to good health, sound mental training, refined manners and the best general , , culture. Superior advantages In music ard art. Send for catalogue to Sister Superior. Ogden. Utah. i : i i - ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Salt Lake City, Utah Boarding and day school for younir ladles. Complete Com-plete Classical and Comm eraial Courses. Music Drawing and Painting. For catalogue address. SISTICB SUPERIOR. Salt Lake City. Utah. I I I r |