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Show Vitholio State Da:' at Saitair -Moo-1 d.v. Julv IS. Excursions from Ogde:t, Park Mtv. Eureka and "inghain. Special rehearsai for th members of j C'ie Junioi; chey- on Saturday at , 3 o'clock. ' i JL . . j Gatholio State Day at SaUair Monday. Mon-day. July 15. Excursions from Ogden, i Park City. Eureka and Bingham. Catholic State Day at Saitair. July b I i The leading mail-order J ffi house and' the finest de- III partment house m the mi g Inter-Mountain "Vest. g I i WRIT AGAINST DU RAND DENIED BY LEWIS Jj 1 Court Holds Bombino, Being Resident Sl of Murray, No Grounds Exist. t f g&y f 1 Gabriel Uomnino was denied a writ or jrtf yl I 2 prohibition directed against I'harles K. JwEL , . S-'l 1 X iMirand ly Judge Lewis Saturday in th- t, s k-'.-i third district court. P.omhino filed an Vir-?kir 'f1S!r'fc-',a I 4 affidavit asking for a writ on the ground '4r$ I 4, that Dmatnl's court at Murray had m ' km I A jurisdiction in liis case. It was stated V. g "Y. m kV 4 I A Bombino that James PataJa J.rought : 6Mf I $ act ion against him June r.ni. to n - Vs V4fc W t cover Sttlrt on an alleged debt. Judgment V -' - V 1 was granted by IMirand in April. 1'7. jl Bombino de.-lared in his affidavit that V- & ' i was not a resident of Salt Lake count;.. v& 2&3 S f anil that t!v debt was not conrtact-- I J!?! jr I $ here, lie also claimed that lie hmi n--: fetfe- .f . U en served properly by the court f S?" I that th-- record wa not conmleu. Ju.li;.- J--tifil x i-3f 5 I Lewis held that i'atala was a r.-sidc-i.- fiU'-A X I of Murray and that he had a right fM7j f begin an action in th.- justice's court at ' fsA&tfZ'ft'TS JV Y t Y Murm v. Inter-Mountain Republican .'in.- fc?Sfc'?jf AV X Y We at- scientilie collector of hotv--' JriW t& X debts. We will collect, some f'r you if "" J Y you tern in your claims. ' J Merchants' Protective Association I I Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts. 77-7S-93-!1t-y.-,.'S-'i'.i and 100 Commercial Xafl Hunk I-'.i.li:.. Salt Lake $ City. Ctah. i FRANCIS O. I.fl-K. Genl MKr. "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." King Mmn Van & Simg6 Co --:,G shipping, Utah Sanitary House-- S, at cut rates CieaillDg LO. and oar expert cleaners STORAGE, in s. v. Temple St. rvnw r.v clean the rest. . Who's Your Tailor? TRZ: Materia., workmanship and rit guar an teed Let me take your measure for a suit or trousers and I am sure you will call g-iin Reasonable prices and ONE PRICE ONLY. f you think of getting anything m clothes, come and see me would like to he your tailor. t'nl forms to treasure. Room 111. Mercantile Annex. Third South arid Main. Cell 'Phone 2SSt N K. f Vto sure of the quality. Buy j H elotjies you fan depend upon. j We handle: only such clothes H K as we carefully guarantor aval R U we can do so berau?e the maker w (.guarantees to us. Wouldn't it be a' comfort to you to know a that if anything goes wrong 0 with the clothe? you 'buy that, la, R we arp glad to make it rights u p In .-hort. there is a money back g string to everything you buy M here. K Princeton Guaranteed Clothe?, H $l"..f)0 to $10.00. 1 They Fit (T-.. j strk mm 1 ra 132 and 134 South Main Street rj jjIsiii TJip mfirp eritieal tTiA en cn-m or the more sure we are of his constant patronage. Our PERFECT WORK insures it. TROY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Quality." ' 166 Main St. Telephone 192. Catholic Stat Day at Saitair Monday, Mon-day, July l.V 'Excursions from OgUeti, I Park City, . Eureka and Bingham, ANOTHER i ! EXCURSION EAST i 1 pa DATES OF SALE, I July 18th and 25th, 1907. i Final return Ii nil. O l. i!07. Itoiind trip rates frorn (.;-'irii and Salt Lake Ciiy Til Kansas City. St. Jn.-oph and Atchison JtJ.fMl Cllieaco 44.50 St. Paul and r!nnca ' is. Aiinn . St. -Louis, Mo 31".."j0 ' Proportionate rates to intermediate interme-diate r"int3- For further information nlf-asa j address C. F. WARREN, i G. A. A. T. & S. "F. Rv. 411 Doolv Block, Salt Lake City. Utah. 1 I 2S TRAINS 'TlA 1 1, V. I 'SALTAIR TIME TABLE Dppot, Second South, between Third and P'ourth West. TRAINS. Leave. Arrive. I0:'Ki a. in. 1 p. in. 2:t p. in. ' -M'V p. rr.. "A't p. n :'" p. m. p. m. 4:4,1 p. m. f 4:1.1 p. in. .1::: p. m. .1:iK) p. n:. f.: 1.1 t. n.. .1:45 p. m. T:'"1 p.' m. fi-.:!'i p. -.k Lt.1 p. in. 7:1j p. m. s::'-' P- m. S: p. m. :': .. p. m. S:4.1 p. m. I':'1 p. tit. 3:;'-0 p. tn. I":!-"' p. ni. 10:15 p. tn. 1 !: p. m. THE KING HARDWARE & . i STOVE COMPANY Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, Stove3 and Kanges. Mining Supplies. Telephone 748 163 Main Street. I I Louisa Pros. o I For Sale or Rent. .J J PIANOS, ORGANS. SEWING - MACHINES. J 23 West First South Street, J Salt Lake City, Utah. J Both Phones. Ctttiwuc tute vSy at Saitair, July I i f 1 |