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Show THE FAMILY OF THE PECCIS. . The historical, biographical and genealogical review of the illustrious family of recci, to which His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. belongs, is of entertain-'iris: entertain-'iris: "interest.' This ancient and illustrious family, from the Castello. di Procena in Tuscany, of which it possessed the lordship, between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries came to dwell in Siena. There it was regarded as one of the most prominent families, and was inscribed in the Ordine del Nove. The Peccis had for some time the privilege privi-lege of granting the diploma of notaryship. notary-ship. Fra Giovanni Pecci, Cavalier of St. John of Jerusalem and Protono-tary Protono-tary Apostolic, was Bishop of Grossetd in the beginning of the fifteenth century, cen-tury, and is buried in the cathedral of Duomo of Siena. A most beautiful, monument in bronze, the work of Donatello, bearing' his effigy in relief and the family arms, marks his last resting- place. Bartholomeo Pecci was one of the citizens of Siena who subscribed, sub-scribed, to the Capitoli della Signoria on the city. Giacomo di Marco Pecci, a gentleman of wealth and position, offered hospitality to the Sovereign Pontiff Martin V., and to all the members mem-bers of his court. He further - lent to the Pontiff 15.000 florins, and received re-ceived in pledge the Rocca. or Castle of Lpoleto. Pietro Peed, lector of civil and canon law in the university, assisted as-sisted in Rome as ambassador of Siena at the coronation of the Emperor Sigis-mund Sigis-mund and accompanied him to Terrara, where he received the title of Count Palatine and Baron; and in 1538 he was sent by the Sienese to pay homage in their name to the Pontiff Paul III., when he was residing at Mount Olivete. Desinerio Pecci was jurisconsult and professor at the university of Pecci. The poetess Onooata Pecci acquired great fame in the fifteenth century as being exceedingly well versed in literature; litera-ture; two of her sonnets on religious subjects may be read in the collection, edited at Naples by Bulifon, in 1663. Giooanni Antonia Pecci born December 12, 1693, died March 3, 176S, was cavalier cf Santo Stefano, and most learned especially in Tuscan antiquities. He published, several works. The Abbe Giuseppe, his brother, born in 1703, died in 1741, was very learned in civil law and in Greek literature, and left several works. Giuseppe Bernardino Pecci, nephew of the above, born in Siena, 1724, of the Guilerton Order, was made Bishop 1774, and suffrasan of Montalcino. Another Pecci founded in 1S77 the Order of Hermits of St. Jerome, in Spain, and received the honor of the altars. Towards the end of the fifteenth century, one of the family of Pecci went to reside in' the Pontifical states at Carpineto Romano. Here the i branch from which the present Pontiff descends, took up its residence, and its descendants still remain there. The first to establish his residence in Carpineto was Pasquale Pecci. born 15S2, died 1668. The father of the present Pontiff, Domenico Ludovico Pecci, was born June 2, 176S. He was an upright, prudent and valorous soldier who deservedly received the title of colonel in the imperial army of Napoleon I. He married Anna Pros-peri Pros-peri Buzzi, of Cori. She was very kind to the poor and a lady of great'' piety. She fulfilled the duties of mother) and at her death, which took place Aurust 5, 1S24, she was mourned by all. A monument is erected to her memory in the Church of the SHmmate at Rome. Domenico Ludovico died March, 1S3S. Of this union was born the Sovereign Pontiff Leo XIII. Don Giuseppe, brother of the Pontiff, was born on the 35th, of December. 1807; he became a member of the Society of Jesus, but during: the events of 1848 he withdrew from that community, remaining re-maining a secular priest and a learned professor of philosophy. Ferdinand, another brother of His Holiness, was born 7th of January, 1816. He entered i the Roman Seminary, but was seized with illness and died at the age of fourteen. |