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Show ' PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND TOUR OF EUROPE. . Rt.Rev. Benjamin J. Keiley, D. D., Bishop of Savannah, spiritual director. For particulars and booklet address McGrane's Catholic tours. 187 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. - : : ; . . I E. H. Airis, Pres. R.'W." NicoV Secy i Salt Lake ! Electric Supply I fn Contracting Electricians, Wholesale and Retail Electrio ! Supplies. Best assorted line of Electric Wx j tures west of Chicago. j 'Phone No. 6. 151 MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY, j ' -1- 1 " " 1 The MURRAY MEAT and LIVE STOCK CO., Office : 330 State St. Stock Yards and Slaughter Houaj J Murray, Utah. h X JMEF coal' ca 73 S. Main , ROCK SPRINGS AND CUMBERLAND CUMBER-LAND LUMP, NUT AND SLACK Bell Phone 1981. ' Independent, ? Fine Bread and Cakes -i ' Baked Fresh Every Day. Vienna Model Bakery and Cafe CHAS. G. SEYBOLDT, Proprietor. 19 E. Third South St., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. HAZELNUT and EUREKA BRANDS OF ' BUTTER Made by the Faust Creamery & Supply Co. Your grocer eau get them for you. I Aid Brav's Restaurant OPEN ALL NIGHT. POPULAR PRICES if EAST SECOND SOUTH ST. FOR THE BEST CANDIES, V:.. -' - ICE CREAMS AJp SHERBETS. J. H. R. FRANKLIN CO II PANY ie8;MAiNjSTREETr;;v. i.iwiiw-u-wi.-ii-." wwfiMfmrm" " ifw-www rl The Royal Bakery and Cafe 232 South Main. Salt Lake City. We ship to Idaho, Wyoming. N"evad and all Utah. This vym 0nEver Made by Machine. Clean and Pure. QEORGE MUELi.ES. Prop. f THE ELOMAiRYCO. : ; The -Best' Only of ; PURE SWEET MILK, : : CREAM and BUTTER i Phones 489 and 469 j; -'l48 E. First South Street, '; j; Salt Lake City, Utah. I 1 Our Forethought, - Our Pride, j I t Our Experience, 1 ' Our Energies I All; Everything is Sacri- 1 ficed for the betterment of HIRER'S FLOUR If there's a risk. It's ours, not I 1 yours; for your grocer wlHlngly ' I I exchanges either way flour for i I your money or money for tho flour. I GREENES REEVE CO. HEATING VENTILATING Dealers in Pipe Fittings, Valves, Hose, Boilers, Boil-ers, Engines, Fire Brick, Sewer Pipe, Etc. s . . 136 SOUTH STATE STREET. Telephone 679. . SALT LAKE CORNICE AND ROOFING WORKS F. A. FAFEK, Proprietor. MANUFACTURER OF COPPER AND GALVANIZED IRON FRONTS m CORNICES Fireproof Doors and Shutters. Patent Skylights. Window Caps and Fireproof Windows. Tin, Iron and Metallic Roofing. Roof-ing. Ornamental Ceiling. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK.... . 326 So. State St., Salt Lake City. P. O. Box 25S. Telephone 12SS K. REAL ESTATE : SALT LAKE CITY. Five rooms, close in; cement walks iineMo!,rlys!::.0.n.?a.r..SSoo Neat 5-room frame, well "SflO !' built; shade, etc., only.. a An elegant home, 8-room mod. j r brick, furnace, barn, etc., worth i iia.Bvt'; owner says SS230 $ sell this piece for.... 3y9 SEE REALTY CO. ;! J (W W. 2nd South. Both 'phones, 7G0. I . Peter Oslka., Union Merchant Tailor, PARK CITY. UTAH. j r- - - .-p tut ORTNTG. $'Ji H I Sit th'o'a "cVn aY s cho o 'l. AiiH sUS hi? Foundedln 1690. SucowMul 4 e'l"au. overy where. Approved iS9 t::" by U nd Uw eolie(f. Xcntar LTtf V frsi Coilcj. Uw Courvo .Dd Pusinc &3.uf-H Uw Caant. liberal Torino. X'Wt'e.l''S SpealalOflr-rllow. ' VVSR-.S&j; Catalogue Free. $ .Tai'tf'ir -V Saranua Corraupondanco NM?HJ School cl Law, T33 JUjestic Bid, Dotroa.Mloh Kesuli Was Marvelous. 2 591 Chicago Ave., Chicago. Jan. 1W4. My daughter had the first attack o( (its a-l)out a-l)out 'i years aco and than one about every is week3 for some time, until they repeated ever7 5 or 6 days. She was treated by 3-physicians without any result, then I cave her Taster Ko-nis's Ko-nis's Nerve Tonic and the elfect was marvelous. She had only oae more atiaclt alter File took it ill 4 months. Mrs. Fr. of Gansr. Malvern, O., writes, in Jan-nary, Jan-nary, 1903. , about her son. who had the fir?t epileptic epi-leptic attack in February. lWi After he was treated by our physician our pastor recommended recommend-ed Pastor Koenic's Nerve Tonic, and since ho takes it had no more attack since last October, and Reema to be so mouch better in every w.iys. Fnrr A Vaiuable Cook on Ner-S-.IJsijLa voua Diseases and a Sample llLsfia Dott!e t0 any address. Poor pa-tients pa-tients also get tno medicine free. Prepared by tho Rev. Father Koe.ikj, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876, and now by tho KOENIQ MED. CO., Chicago, 113. : lOO Lake Street. Sold by Dmeelsts at $1 per Bottle. 6 for $5. : Larao Size, $1.75; 6 Bottles for SV. ; I In Salt like. by Smith Prtiu Co. j In Denver, by Seholta Drug t'o. DO YOU NEED ' I Stylish Coaches I ! or Coupes? ! I for calling? Do you need fine up-to-date carriages with wc-H informed in-formed drivers for vi-sitin friends? Thevery best and latest styles are at Salt Lake Livery & Transfer Co. Phone 211. SAMUAL PAUL, Mgr. J NOW IS THE TIME ; t to take your spring medicine. Our J purely vegetable Sarsaparilla Compound Is a blood purifier and tonic, con- J T tainins in' an agreeable form the X active medicinal properties of the J most approved, attractive and blnoil 2 purifying remedies of the veuelafolt! X kingdom. Don't have to take any X pills v.-ith it. either, because we X have the cathartic principle com- t bined in the one bottle, and the e price is just 75 cents. f. j. HILL DRUG CO. ! The Family Druggist. J Corner Opposite Postoffice. X BOTH PHONES-541. QUICK DE- X LIVERY. THE KING HARDWARE & STOVE COMPANY Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, Stoves and Ranges. Mining Supplies. Telephone 748 168 Main Street. :. in ) vor know what Yr (!i:t y. i -when you pay jr. n-ic a . j ? GILLETTE t I SAFETY RAZOR? : Von practically k-t !"-. ly-PA. i- U.ulk-. :is tii:i! :is p.i"-r. : i tn-tly ' v t-1 .-,iu! li;mi"ic-l. You : nvdiv .i.Hihlc-.-.lsjfil -Mh.1.s V'U! jn;;-' ii.''.-r lh'- r:r.'r: wh'-n j J tj..-v 'At ;ir i'H y.i.i may r ft i ; ;-n V - ! h. rri six ii.-v p . s . a:l w!i"ii V t: " yi h:i'- l"st tix-ir ;'u i ne?. j y ;! may liav tiuvc m.re. Fair V '' -lon-ii i -n't it? V - T! i iCi: I-. . N" K A.nl; 1.1 KF. ; . " V '1'IIK i ' I I . I . i ! YT I ANii WK AUK V . tmf. a;knts. 3 r IVitsre ths Cars i Stop V Tha Great Prescription. : 7 Drug: Store. ' r'"1''' ' '"r " " """jE k' Wholesale Dept. ' Phones STti. 8.7. A ! Ketail Dept. 'Phones U64. 96u, 9tiii. jj jw.S. HENDERSON, , VIiolesala Grocer. tS Corner Second South and Third 3 1 M West streets. Retail Department. 1 MT-263 Main street. fj w Spe.cia.lty, Hijih-irrads and Im- :A gj ported Goods, " L. M. LAW, FLORIST Successor to Salt Pake Hud Lirt Florat Co., -14 East Second Smith. Telephone 37. ; ! Up-to-date and floral artist; always a " J large stock to select from. J If you need anything in the line of. bicycles, it will pay you to come to -tc I ' ' I CARTER'S LEAGUE CYCLE STORE I $ Tires at S5,00 per pair The best only. i J I The best wheel thaJ: ever came to Salt. - I I $ Lake for $25. ' SPORTING GOODS AT THE IOWEST TRICES IS THE CITT. I -K I -K Edison Phonographs, Records and Blanks. f. I I Garter's League Cycle Store I 325 S. VE3T TEMPLE. I 5 : I f ...L EADCR n VEHICLES AND HARNESS... I , ; I , ' I ! i THE BEST ELECTRIC AND GASO- f; LENE AUTOMOBILES MADE 157159-161 State St., Salt Lake, Utah. . C. A. QUIGLEY. - - General Alanager. : ; " |