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Show NEW GRAND HOTEL WM. ANDERSON, Prop. Corner of Main& 4th South, Salt Lae City RATES . Room for 1 person, $1 up. Room for 2 persons, $1.50 up. With Private Bath V7. Room for 1 person, $1.50 up. Room for 2 persons, $2.50 up. fl Special Monthly Rates. Opposite U. S. Post Office. : One Block from City and County Building. . , In the Center of the Shopping and Theatrical District. Join3 Commercial Club. Take any Depot aey llrSSI-Mr and Save CoaJ So serious is the coal shortage throughout the United 4. States that it has become the patriotic and imperative duty of each individual to aid to the utmost in the conservation con-servation of commercial fuel. This can best be done by the use of Electricity, generated gen-erated solely by water power. The generating of hydro-electrical To curtail your use of Electric Serv- . . , Ice or to fail In utilizing electricity energy requires no fuel. to the very fuert extent , bU8neM ( Even the water turning the wheels In your home, Is to fall In doing . i . your full share to support the govern or the enormou, power plants open- menfs fuel conservation policy. . ated by this Company Is not consumed ...... There are many uses In every bust- or contaminated, but returns at once ness and In every home for electric and without diminution to Its natural service, where a direct and material . channels. During the year-1917-he Mvin" of coal wlM result Utah Power & Light Company gener- . Electric cooking and electric Ironing ated 500,000,000 kilowatt hours of elec- are Important factors. tricaf energy, which In Its many uses . ... . .. , j , , , - , ,n 2200 residences, hotels and res- Is doing work In the mines, factories, taurants throughout this company's ' farms and homes of this great inter- territory, electric service Is being used mountain territory that otherwise today for cooking. And by using elec- would have necessitated the use of tricity for this purpose these 2200 con- . . . ... sumers are saving the government 30,- 1,000,000 tons of coal. It would have OOO tons of coal annually, required 25,000 coal cars and more than 500 locomotives to have trans- ""'Ti " T,'" "'l"8 electricity for cooking the saving ported this vast quantity of coal to W0Ud be 300,000 tons. of coal annual- the consumers. ly. In practically every industrial pursuit in the inter-mountain inter-mountain west electricity is simplifying manufacturing processes, abolishing wasted effort, increasing production, produc-tion, cutting operating costs and SAVING JUEL. UtahPower&ygbtCo. Efficient Public Service ':Ui IT'S QUALITY y in coal that makes the heat, M.. I tt , , oft FIND COM. MAWg i j; ,that makes possible a 90 pictukii 1 J per cent consumption and a w 1 ;; Consequent loss of but one-. , I -tenth, and that light, eloar 'V--&!& Cfi 2 ;; asn that doesn't clog grate 4 riMvC YA 'i !6r retard draft. Our quality WVj I :; oes this satisfactorily, V!);'-01 WP ' 0 consequently lessens your Juel bills. A sample ' ton 'iStMIW M t proves it better than we OTU- J 1 can tell. . - . I Tl PHONE 39. r" ...-...-..- J : ' j j CITIZENS COAL CO. , Bingham, Utah I So & Ge j NEW SCHEDULE j The Bingham & Garlield Railway Co. The Popular Route Finest Equipment. Best Train Service Two Trains Daily Between Bingham and Salt Lake City TIME TABLE Leave Salt Lake City: Lfaye Bingham: . 745A.M 925 A.M. 3 "00 P M Arrive Bingham:' " " Arrlve,?aJiIf k?fCity! 9:05 A. M -10:40 A. M. 4:25 P. M ; 6:10 P. M. I Effective Saturday Morning, December 15th, 1917. . TICKET OFFICES CARR FOHK AND UPPER STATION ' Take Electric Tram at Carr Fork Station. 7 II. W. STOUTENBOROUGH, A. G. P. A. F. B. SPENCER, Salt Lake City, Utah. - Agent, Bingham, Utah. F Bingham People Stop at I THE BEST LITTLE HOTEL IN SALT LAKE The New Sal! Lake . 1 372 South Main Street. Just South of Post Office. I 50 ROOMS I Telephone, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Running Water In 1 Every Room. Accommodations with Private Bath if desired I Rates 75c to $2.00 per day. No higher. i Special by Week or Month. j 8 Centrally Located. All Depot Cars Pass the Door. 1 OXFORD (Formerly Budweiser) Pocket Billiards First Class Cafe, Modern Rooms in Connection. Tobaccos Cigars, Drinks, 499 MAIN STREET J. W. MATTHEWS, Manager. i TELL YOUR WIFE CORNS LIFT OFF Doesn't hurt a bit to lift corns or calluses off with fingers Not a twinge of pain or soreness before applying, or afterwards. This may sound like a dream to corn -pestered men and women who have been cutting, filing and wearing torturous plasters. Yes I Corns lift out and calluses peel off as if by magic, says tbit Cincinnati authority. A quarter ounce of freeone costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops directly upon jour tender corn or callus, and instantly the ore-ncHS ore-ncHS disa ppcars; then shortly the corn or callus will !e so lrxiBt! that it lifts o(T. Freewme dries instantly. It doesn't est out the corn or callus, but juttt shrivel it up so it lifts away without evpii irritating the surrounding ekin. Women should keep it on the dresser and never Ut a corn or callus ache twice. 1 1 K As Age Advances the Liver Inquires (tW occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE U A,?JFF LIVER FILLS correct CONSTIPATION. r I f . Ta unrl!w5iMifcetbiwof lmlobfrMoo4 farfel Iron PS Colorless or rase nce$ yZ,;Aliloa ,h.ch ,u b. ..ir -n4 ty an uua ma |