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Show FIRST PRIZE WAS AWARDED IfllSS STAPLETON The Fifteen Dollar Cash Prize for the Best Essay on Prevention of Disease Dis-ease Was Won by Margaret Staple-ton Staple-ton Second Prize Won by Margaret Tennant Both Prizes Were Given by Dr. Straup. $ J .Miss Margaret Stapleton, pretty, talented, eleven-year-old daughter of Mrs. Clara B. Stapleton, and a member mem-ber of the seventh grade, was this week awarded the Dr. Straup prize of $.15.00 for the best essay on the prevention pre-vention and spread of contagious diseases. dis-eases. The second prize of HO, also given by Dr. Straup, was awarded to iMiss Margaret Tennant, a member of the senior class of the iBingham High School. About the first of October scarlet fever became bo prevalent in IBingham IBing-ham that it became necessary to close i the schools for one week In order that tfc kealtk -authority -ii-ht -havo h better chance at stamping out the Mis-ease. Mis-ease. At a meeting of the town board l at that time. Dr. iF. E. Straup, who was then mayor, in order to stimulate nmong the children some idea of preventing pre-venting the spread of disease offered the two prizes mentioned above. In response to this offer a great many students of the local school qualified for the contest and prepared essays. And in order to further the cause for which they were intended j The Press-Bulletin is this week pub-1 lishlng the two winning essays, and others from week to week. The essay of 'Miss Stapleton and the essay of Miss Tennant are as follows: First Prize Story. 'By Miss (Margaret Stapleton, on "The Prevention of the Spread of Contagious Diseases." ' j In the prevention of the spread of contagious diseases, perhaps the thing most needful is for everyone, old and young, to realize how deeply each individual in-dividual is responsible for the public welfare; how every little act of carelessness care-lessness may endanger not only the general health, but also human lives. And there is need of abaolutel cleanliness, clean-liness, which includes cleanliness of person and of premises, the burning of all possible refuse, the keeping of closely covered garabage cans, and eternal vigilance in keeping freedom from flies; and absolute carefulnes in observing all the rules of health and sanitation, with careful study to keen well informed on this important duty of citizenship; and abiolute faithfulness in obeying to the last, least fraction every law of quarantine, never counting as small or little moment mom-ent any least one of these duties that are for our own, and our neighbor's safe-guarding; and remember always that upon our faithfulness In this will, in a large measure depend the health of our city; and also that to be careless care-less In this is truly criminal. Wirltten by Margaret Stapleton, 7th grade, B. J. H. S. Oct. 23. 1917. Second Prize Composition, IBy Miss Margaret Tennant on "The Care School Children Should Exercise to Prevent the Spread of Contagious Diseases." The personal hygience Is the greatest great-est of all preventatives. The daily bath stimulates circulation and throws off ImpuritUs. The daily cleansing of the mouth, teeth and nose, the chief portals for the entrance for bacteria Is a good prophylactic. General bodi-ily bodi-ily cleanliness wards off disease. Daily outdoor exercise gives the needed need-ed oxygen, stimulates circulation and tones up the body in general, so that it can combat any contagious disease. A simple diet is conclusive to the best nf liooith Tfp(riilHr sleeD in well ven- tllated rooms gives the body the need: ed rest to meet all physical and mental men-tal demands. School children should report abnormal abnor-mal bodily condition to their teacher, parents, or physician at o.ice. Such as colds, headaches, general maladies, sore throat, skin eruptions, loss of appetite, ap-petite, etc. Crowds, congested areas, such as street cars, churches, dance halls, etc., should be avoided, especially during an epidemic. A child should conform to all quarantine quar-antine laws, especially not visiting the homes of those quarantined, IBy Miss Margaret Tennant. B. H. 'A. Senior, class of '18. |