Show MUST WORK VORK NO NOW TO IO AID FUTURE 4 I Service Rendered Present Generation Generation Generation Gen Gen- Will Serve Serge Mans Man's Posterity THE OPPORTUNITY IS HERE The Rev F F. B B. B Short Preaches Strong Sermon Sennon on Serving Th The need of oC rendering service str to tho thu present generation and meeting th questions of ot today with disregard t t tn tho tire past was tho the subject of or tho tire sermon preached by 15 tho Rev Hc Francis Short before a n large con congregation a athe al altho altho tho the Methodist Episcopal churl church last l night Owing to the tho announcement that he Ire Rev kiev Herbert Horbert JJ n. Johnson would woul address the Japanese in their own language language lan guage many of oC that nationality weir present but R sermon rmon was postponed until after tho the regular service when a special meeting was held lasted until 1130 1130 o'clock after which tho Salt Lake Japanese m HI n gave a n luncheon In honor of Mr John John- son HOlt About hout sixty Japanese were wore pros proM ont ent together tog with tho the Rev Rov and Mrs Irs Short Senator C. C 13 g Marks farles and Mrs Marks 1 Rev ite Short holt said BallI In part David after actor having having- server served his own owr I generation h by the tire will of ot God fell tell asleep Acts Acts xIII iC 3 Whatever service one ono would render t the ire race raco must bo be rendered l to ones one's own I Ithe generation lie He that would servo o pos pos- t erity InU must t serve C those of his own d da day ay This da day an arid and this generation with th this Is people Is your opportunity a and nd time for service anti and If IC wo we would p prove rove a blesing to the generations un un- un i horn born orn wo we must first prove provo a n. blessing to lo t the he generation that is horn born and of or II II w which wo we are apart ap Thus every manas man h has as a peculiar interest in and a vital p part art to play with his own generation a and nd blessed Is ho that meets these i interests Interest an and plays B that th part with i ira n it Every nn n a I Inetor Every Even man should become Identified with Ith and factor In hi his own generations generation's welfare We a are aro not so much fl n tsam a Rn and nd Jetsam driven hero and there thero b by waves of sentiment or Impulse Vu Wo o 0 a aio rc not expected to follow the tue path o of ot f personal likes alone or to shun t those of 01 personal dislikes We Ve aro are n not expected to labor noath sI beauty and walk In In gardens roc gardens of glory glory- all th the th time Wo Vo are arc expected to he be men that are factors for tor good In our dav day that are dominated b by high and holy hoh that walk undisturbed whatever paths ma may open before us us and that shun not tire tIll tasks of ot life lICo b because they may b bo be either a ant nt or bring to us the displeasure of or t tho he multitude No ours Is to he t-e a lire life of oC o f service to our own generation generatIon-a a s service ervice that Is la given I according to tho the will of ot God What hat greater reater honor ironer could mortal ii than that of oC serving er hl his own g Is not riot this the sum total o of or f life lire after all Is anything elso else r really eally immortal But nut behold what mis- mis of ot life lite To Io s some me It Is not s service ervice The They become the devotee devotees of oC a an n ever chan ever changing ln fashion they move i in n an environment of 01 fickleness and f frivolity they are ever absorbing nt that tt-at which is not bread d and giving forth t that hat w which Is not meat moat They Tey seek r recognition and power Jower and place that t they hey mn ma may become simply conspicuous n nd not that the they may become servants They Tho have placed a wrong estimate upon ulon life lite and are peeking It wh where re Itcan it c cannot annot can not Ie be found He lie that t would 1 live he livewell livewell well ell and live long lon must serve well veil and ml s servo ervo long lonh and he t that at would live l longest lon est and best must serve ser most I C Ier er J r ent nt Many ul say could I have lived in tho the d days ays of ot Moses or David I would have havo l lived ived a life lite worth while Not so flO HO would have not done other than vou you youre a are aro re now doing Opportunities are arc justas just justas as mun marry many and just as great now as ns atan ut at an any time limo In iii the history of or the nice mea Never No was there a time when un unselfish service was needed more than It Is now er E Every department if life has its ita problems and antl it needs Its Us heroes Remember this thia closing act net that service 18 iii Immortal Deeds both rat great and rind small good and anti bad ad live ve on Those that servo their own generation also aleo serve the generations that are to come Therefore let me mo ask you OU this question What hat are aro you vou doing for fem your nur own generation gen gao What are arc you doing oln to help hOlp this city and arid this state to make life easier casler and anti better for those thom that live JIve around you ou What hat are uro you OU doing Would you QU bo great reat Then servo serve your our generation and hen begin now I j |